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Regeistreringskode Carsoft 6.5


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Har kjøpt meg Carsoft 6.5.

Og innstalert det på pc`n men jeg får ikke brukt det da det popper opp en rute der de står at jeg må skrive inn en Activation code for å kjøre Carsoft programmet.

Er det noen som kan hjelpe meg med det problemet.

Har kjøp det på en nettbutikk med programmvare kabler og alt jeg trenger for å koble det til pc`n

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Antagelig så har du betalt for selve interfacen og fått med en kopi av Carsoft. Tviler på du har kjøpt original software, da ville koden ha fulgt med, og du ville ikke ha fått v6.5 da denne er utgått.

Det du må gjøre er å laste ned en "crack" til Carsoft for å få den til å virke.. (lastes ned bla på pirat bukta)

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Har fremdelels problemer med å få innstalert programmveren på pc`n.

Får bare opp den boblen som sier jeg må skrive inn reg koden :?

Di som selger dette Carsoft på finn, kunne no sent med det jeg trengte eller en link der jeg kunne få lasta ned noe som kunne hjelpe meg igang .... :shock:

Men håper det er noen her på forumet som kan ett triks eller to i ludo :) som kan hjelpe meg

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To successfully install SP1 you must do it immediately after installing the Carsoft program (i.e. before Crack Installation). You will need to completely uninstall the whole program first.

The notes I used are attached below and are long and some may think a bit tedious - but the program does work! My Carsoft will read the following modules on my E36:- DME/DDE, Instrument Cluster, Airbag, ZKE/ZVM, EGS and EWS. Since I don't have an alarm system, rain or light sensors I think that is the full compliment. Notes are as follows:-


The procedure EXACTLY for Windows XP is as follows:-

If you have EVER installed ANY version of Carsoft before:-

1. Uninstal the program using the ADD/DELETE Programs function available from the Control panel via SETTINGS on the START menu.

2. Use the Explore function to open the Programs tab from the START menu and delete any CARSOFT folders

3. Use the SEARCH function from the START menu to look for any files or folders containing the word CARSOFT and delete them.

4. Search your Hard Drive for a folder named CM70 or CM75s and use EXPLORE to view its contents. If you have located the correct folder it will contain CARSOFT files with names like "AIRBAG1.DXT" - DELETE THE ENTIRE FOLDER.

5. Restart your computer and from the START menu go to PROGRAMS then ACCESSORIES and select SYSTEM TOOLS then SYSTEM RESTORE and create a new restore point.

6. Once the new restore point has been created, close out of the SYSTEM RESTORE Menu, then go back into ACCESSORIES via the START and PROGRAMS Menus and choose SYSTEM TOOLS then DISK CLEANUP. Select the MORE OPTIONS Tab and under “System Restore,” choose to Delete all but the most recent RESTORE Point and run the Disk Cleanup utility.

7. Open the “My Computer” Icon on the Desktop and right click on the Icon for your Hard Drive, then click “Properties”. Click on the “Tools” Tab when the Properties Dialogue Box opens and choose “Check now”. Two Dialogue boxes will appear asking if you want to check & repair files and scan the hard drive. Check both boxes then the START button. A message will appear telling you that this process can only be performed when the computer re-starts and asking you to confirm whether you wish this to occur. Confirm this request, then restart your computer. Dependent upon how many files you have stored and the size of the Hard Drive, the scanning process may take 2 -3 hours to complete after the system is restarted.

8. Temporarily disable any Anti-Virus or Spyware Programs that may be Running and use the setup program provided with the CARSOFT software to install CARSOFT 6.5.

9. Install SP1 which will search out and install to the CARSOFT/BMW Folder that has been copied to your hard drive.

10. Open the CRACKS Folder and copy ALL of the files contained in the Folder (including Instructions) to the BMW folder located in the newly created CARSOFT program Folder on your Hard Drive. The easiest way to accomplish this is firstly to open the CRACKS Folder then left click on the first file it contains and then each subsequent file whilst holding down the SHIFT key until ALL of the files are highlighted, then choose COPY THESE FILES and when the Dialogue Box pops up, locate the BMW folder in the newly installed CARSOFT folder on your Hard Drive, left click on it and then click on the COPY button.

11. Once this process has been completed, use the EXPLORE function to view the files in the BMW Folder of the newly installed CARSOFT Program. There will be 2 files with 6.5 Icons, labelled CARSOFT and CARSOFTBMW65. Delete the CARSOFT file and re-name CARSOFTBMW65 as CARSOFT.

12. Empty the deleted items from your trash bin and restart the system – CARSOFT 6.5.06 is now installed.

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Problemet løst, fann meg en gammel pc på loftet med XP innstalert og en gammel overgang fra usb til seriel.

Da virket alt som en drøm, ja begge pluggene, den under panseret og den inne i bilen. Nå gjenstår det bare å finne ut hva di forskjellige feilmeldingene betyr.

Men fekk no sletta Airbag og ABS/Antispinn lampa etter repp av di.

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