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Bayer's Achievements

  1. Har den lille spoilerlisten til bakluke, e46 i CosmoBlack Met.
  2. Selger en helt ny spoiler leppe til e46, ligger i originalesken fra BMW med festelim etc. Fargen er Cosmosort. Nypris er 2400,- Selges:1800,- Ring: 905 38 491 (Oslo)
  3. Hmmm, bilen din så frisk og sporty ut? Du har også en 4-dører, men hva slags front har du? Ser ut som aero-dynamic fronten til 2001 mod.? Passer den? Jeg har en 2000 mod. sedan men ulik front? Har du større hjuk bak? 18"" Er din senkning lik min fabrikk-senkning? Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
  4. På min byttet de bakfjærene, de knirket. Det kan være lyd som forplanter seg...? Press dama eller lillebror inn i kofferten og kjøre en tur. (Anbefales ikke om dama di er over 150kg eller døv) Byttet av bakfjærer er kjent reklamasjon, hva er din km? Les denne testen, tror det stod noe der? http://www.fdm.dk/motor/pdf/12-2004/64-65.pdf
  5. Vakuum motsatt av trykk, eks sug en plastflaske flat når den er tom og du reduserer trykket inni flasken i forhold til det atmosfæriske trykket/tryket utenfor. Du fjerner altså luften som var der. Det skal være trykk på tanken så den ikke suges flat ettersom bensinen forbrukes, men du har også lufting vha trykkventiler, altså; det er et lukket system. Har du for mye trykk kan det ha vært tom tank eller trege trykkventiler? Vakuum brukes også som en betegnelse på tilstanden inne i hodet på enkelte babes, en myte sier de oftest er blonde...
  6. Fin sak, 1385kg, minus 110kg fra M3, radio/CD, elektriske vindu er ekstrautstyr. Tenker det hadde vært noe på hullete vintervei i Oslo... 360HK/7900, 370Nm/4900, 0-100km/h; 4,9s, spesiallagde Michelin dekk. http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/3er/e46/m3/6125_1024.jpg http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/3er/e46/m3/13701_1024.jpg http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/3er/e46/m3/9912_1024.jpg http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/3er/e46/m3/9917_1024.jpg http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/3er/e46/m3/9918_1024.jpg http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/3er/e46/m3/9919_1024.jpg
  7. Eller som tyskere med Porsche, Mercedes, MAN, Deutz, BMW osv., så snakker man om 15%, 25%, 30% eller 50% og opptil 100% differensial-SPERRE, altså en sperre med f.eks 25% (BMW). Differensialbrems er ikke feil, men mer brukt til å forklare for ikke-tekniske invidde. ;o)
  8. Bayer

    Bredding, E30

    Her er noen gromme saker gitt; http://www.dtmpower.net/featured_car/featuredcars.html
  9. Poenget var at Mercedes aldri har vurdert å bruke gummireim... BMW, koreanerne og japsene tok i bruk gummi, ja Audi og t.o.m. på A8.... Det er INGEN fordeler med gummireim!!! Et apropo er at MB og BMW lager ikke biler fordi de synes det er gøy. BMW utbreder ikke forstillingsfeilene gratis! Har du en service avtale med forhandler kan de hjelpe deg med å få det dekket. Er bilen innen for et års garanti er det noe annet. 5 års reklamasjon dekkker ikke forstilling. Ang feil, den den E46 jeg kjører har typiske feil som; knirking i bakhjulsoppheng, bakfjærer knekker, luftmassemålere svikter, BÆREKULENE svikter helt til 2001.., Airbag-kontakt feil, Feil ved ABS sensor, , svikt i el-ventilator. Dette er SMÅFEIL hos BMW, men regnes for alvorlige feil på andre merker. Alvorlig feil på E46 er: BAKHJULSOPPHENGET RIVES LØS FRA KARROSERIET!!!! VIBRASJON i MELLOMAKSEL UTLØSER AIRBAG... This is SEARIOUS shit!!!! Her er forresten resten; Bulletins for 2000 BMW 320i (E46) (M52) Safety Recalls 720302 NOV 02 Recall - Air Bag Control Unit Recoding 630200 MAR 00 Recall - Brake Lamp Switch Replacement 000194 JAN 00 Campaign/Recall - Codes Index 720499 DEC 99 Recall - 99V063 MRS Control Module Recoding 350199 MAY 99 Recall - Inspection of Brake Linkage Retaining Clip Emissions Recalls TSB Number Issue Date TSB Title 110901 MAY 02 Recall - Crankcase Ventilation Hose Replacement 110701 JUL 01 Recall - Engine Thermostat Inspection/Replacement General Recalls TSB Number Issue Date TSB Title 110703 MAR 04 Campaign - Engine Low Oil Level Warning 840104 FEB 04 Campaign - Telematics Control Unit Inspect/Replace 230100 AUG 00 Campaign - M/T Drain Plug Oil Leaks 840600 AUG 00 Campaign - Navigation System Failure 000194 JAN 00 Campaign/Recall - Codes Index Service Bulletins TSB Number Issue Date TSB Title 650104 APR 04 Radio - Reception Problems, Antenna Diagnosis 6620003 OCT 03 Keyless Entry - Remote Won't Lock/Unlock Vehicle 120603 JUN 03 Engine Controls/Emissions - OBD Readiness Code Setting 840303 JAN 03 Navigation System - MK3, Difficulty Coding 651202 DEC 02 Audio System - Window Tint Affects Radio Reception 120902 DEC 02 Engine Controls - MIL ON/O2 Sensor Fault Codes Stored 240202 APR 02 A/T - Hard Shifts/Leak at Torque Converter Seal 240200 APR 02 A/T - Hard/No Shift Condition/DTC's Stored in TCM 520302 APR 02 Interior - Cracking/Clicking Noises From Sport Seats 210101 FEB 02 M/T - Popping/Clicking From Clutch Pedal 640891 JAN 02 A/C - Musty Odors 650599 JAN 02 Audio System - Radio Security Code Acquisition 240500 DEC 01 A/T - Erratic Shifting/Trans Light ON/FC 60 Set 240998 DEC 01 A/T - GM5 Clunk Noise 120199 DEC 01 Spark Plug (HP Platinum) - Application Chart 540701 DEC 01 Sunroof - Revised Initialization Procedures 640698 OCT 01 A/C - Intermittent Blower Motor Operation 340801 OCT 01 ABS System - Activates When Coming to a Stop 110898 OCT 01 Engine - Oil Recommendations/Change Intervals 610201 OCT 01 Seat Heater - Headlights Dim/Idle Fluctuations 630301 OCT 01 Xenon Headlamp Bulbs - Installation Tips 240198 SEP 01 A/T - Fluid Level Checking Procedure 840701 AUG 01 Cellular Phone - Intermittent Malfunctions 320201 JUL 01 Steering Gear - Replacement Due to Accident Damage 650401 JUN 01 CD Changer - Installation 110101 JUN 01 Engine - MIL ON/Codes Set/Tapping/Rattling Noise 841197 JUN 01 Navigation System - Numerous Failures/Malfunctions 840401 MAY 01 Battery - Disconnecting Procedure With MK3 Nav System 110600 MAY 01 Engine - New Oil Filter Element 120297 APR 01 MIL ON - Poor Driveability & Multiple Misfire DTC's Set 630201 MAR 01 Light Bulb - Replacement Guidelines 720101 MAR 01 Seat Belts - Click/Rattle From Upper Mount 840201 FEB 01 Audio System - Delayed Sound/No Audio Display 840101 FEB 01 Cellular Phone - No Volume Adjustment 630399 FEB 01 Headlamps - Misting/Condensation Inside 090101 FEB 01 Vehicle and Key - Memory Programming 630101 FEB 01 Xenon Lamp Bulb - Color Change After Operation 640101 JAN 01 A/C System - Musty Odors 611600 JAN 01 Battery - Maintenance 160400 DEC 00 Check Engine Lamp ON/DTC's Stored 841200 DEC 00 Digital Cellular Phone - Training/Troubleshooting Manual 111190 DEC 00 Engine - Oil Capacities With Filter Change 110900 DEC 00 Engine Controls - False Low Oil Level Lamp Illumination 410200 DEC 00 Interior - Wind Buffeting 650200 DEC 00 Radio/CD Player - Intermittently CD won't Eject 540700 DEC 00 Sunroof - Intermittently Inoperative 110901 DEC 00 Thermal Oil Level Sensor - Operation and Diagnosis 180299 NOV 00 Exhaust System - Back Pressure Checking Tool 340300 NOV 00 Front Brakes - Squealing 510500 NOV 00 Passenger Mirror - Moves When Reverse Is Selected 330200 NOV 00 Rear Differential - Whine Noise 240900 OCT 00 A/T - Repair/Replacement Guidelines 720897 OCT 00 Airbags - Deactivation 241000 OCT 00 Engine Control Module - MS 43 Removal Precautions 640300 SEP 00 A/C Evaporator - Ices Up 720500 SEP 00 SRS - Warning Light ON, Codes 05 or 06 Set 650499 AUG 00 Audio System - Test CD/Tape 610800 AUG 00 Electrical - Closed Circuit Current Measurement 620400 AUG 00 IC Conversion - Km/h to Mph or Mph to Km/h 230200 AUG 00 M/T - Oil Fill/Drain Plugs Updated 720700 AUG 00 Side Airbag - Satellite Sensor Update 610600 AUG 00 Trunk Release Switch - Installation 720200 JUL 00 Airbag Control Module - Warning Light ON/Codes Set 510400 JUL 00 Door Sound/Vapor Barrier - Water Leaks 610500 JUL 00 Electrical Connnectors - Stabilant 22A Contact Enhancer 120400 JUL 00 MIL ON, Multiple DTC's Stored 720399 JUL 00 Rear Airbag - Activation/Deactivation 360200 JUL 00 Tires and Wheels - Applications 610700 JUL 00 Windshield Wiper Blades - Noisy/Not Cleaning Well 840700 JUN 00 Accessory Navigation System - Information 720600 JUN 00 Head Protection System - Airbag Replacement 620200 JUN 00 Instrument Cluster - Erratic Operation Diagnosis 110500 JUN 00 Oil Pan/Filter Housing - Buzzing, Rattling Noise 640100 MAY 00 A/C - IHKA Module LED in A/C Button FLASHES 240800 MAY 00 A/T - Fault Code 48, TCC Solenoid 160100 MAY 00 Fuel System - MIL ON, Tank Leakage Fault Codes 160498 MAY 00 Instruments - New Fuel Level Sensor Testing Caution 510100 MAY 00 Window Regulator - Squeaking/Clicking Noises 610200 APR 00 Airbag Systems - Wiring Repair Procedure 110100 APR 00 Cylinder Head - Coolant Leak From Right Side 610100 MAR 00 Electronic Battery Disconnect Switch - New 000199 MAR 00 Maintenance - Requirement Revision 040900 MAR 00 Service Information Ruling for OBD 070296 MAR 00 Updated DIS Software CD 21 620100 FEB 00 Instrument Cluster - No Seat Belt Warning after Coding 040800 FEB 00 Tools - New Special Tool CD 657500 JAN 00 Business Radio - Service Mode Function Information 650100 JAN 00 CD Changer - Installation Precautions 040300 JAN 00 Fuel Level Sender - Spanner 630100 JAN 00 Headlamps - New Vertical Adjustment Settings 840799 JAN 00 Navigation Computer - Complete Failure 841199 JAN 00 Navigation System - Multiple Malfunctions 620699 JAN 00 Service Intervals - Revised Calculation Method 002292 JAN 00 Spark Plug/Engine Oil Capacity Reference Chart 040200 JAN 00 Tools - Tank Ventilation Leak Coupler 340399 DEC 99 Brakes - Vibration When Braking 330192 DEC 99 Differential - Final Drive Synthetic Oil Recommendations 620599 DEC 99 Instrument Cluster - Odometer Jumps to Lower Value 230399 DEC 99 M/T - Exchange Transmission Oil Specification 610788 NOV 99 Battery - Maintenance Requirements 840599 NOV 99 Cellular Phones - CMT5000/CPT6000 Software Update 240595 OCT 99 A/T - Poor Shift Quality 640499 SEP 99 A/C - Inoperative, Compressor Not Engaged 180199 SEP 99 Catalytic Converter - Unnecessary Replacements 651099 SEP 99 Radio - CD43 CD will Not Eject 640699 SEP 99 Windshield - Fogging/Condensation Avoidance Tips 840499 AUG 99 GPS - Satellite Timer Reset Information 660299 AUG 99 Garage Door Opener - Backlighting Instructions 650999 AUG 99 Radio Display - ALERT Message On Display 340798 JUL 99 Brakes - Twitch in Steering Wheel With Rapid Application 650699 JUN 99 DWA - Lock/Unlock Option Missing in Car/Key Memory 040899 JUN 99 New Self Adjusting Clutch Clamping Fixture 310199 JUN 99 Suspension - Noise From Front Control Arm Mount 070296 JUN 99 Updated DIS Software CD 18.0 001098 MAY 99 Electrical Trouble Shooting Manuals - Available on CD 841197 MAY 99 Navigation System - Software CD V11 360299 MAY 99 Tires - Pressure Placards 720299 APR 99 Child Seat Tether Anchor - Mounting Points 510299 APR 99 License Plate Brackets - Mounting 330299 APR 99 Rear Suspension - Pops or Snaps on Dips and Bumps 610399 APR 99 Vehicle Convenience Feature - Operation/Information 090398 MAR 99 Car Memory/Key Memory - Configuration Revision 840299 MAR 99 Cellular Telephone - Prewire Connection/Coax Location 040699 MAR 99 Electrical Connector Kit 4 - Supplement 040199 MAR 99 Windshield - Replacement Tools 620399 FEB 99 Check Control - Brake Light Failure Indicated 650399 FEB 99 Cruise Control - Intermittently Inoperative 120799 FEB 99 Engine Controls - Motor Driven Throttle Valve (MDK) 230199 FEB 99 M/T - Difficult to Shift, Diagnostic Tips 511098 FEB 99 Rear Bumper Cover - Poor Fit/Alignment 247598 JAN 99 A/T - Overview Of New Model 620898 DEC 98 Key in Ignition Warning Chime - Continues to Sound 651898 NOV 98 CD Player - CD43 CD Skips Constantly 840798 NOV 98 Cellular Phone - Prewire Harness Installation 090198 APR 98 Computers/Controls - Custom Configuration 070198 MAR 98 DIS Schematic Information
  10. Broom, broomm. Velg på "Engines" her: https://secure7.nexternal.com/shared/St ... =984092354
  11. Oversikten til Bentley: http://www.bentleypublishers.com/bmw/index.htm#sub162 Du finner dem også vi Amazon.com CD'er fra eBay er på engelsk selv om du søker på Werkstatt eller Reparaturanleitung.
  12. Her er det lett å gå i fella. Det finnes flere generasjoner med billig/lure systemer. Dette er vel noe nyere/bedre? http://www.m3motorwerks.com/products/de ... php/II=246
  13. Tok en sjekk på ebay. Se f.eks på denne; http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... ename=WD2V Enjoy!
  14. Alt profesjonelt bil-midler kjøper du hos Würth. Sjekk butikken deres ved Oslo, der kjøper mange bilfirma fra. De selger også mye spesialverktøy om du mekker. Würth Norge AS Postadresse Postboks 84 1483 SKYTTA Besøksadresse Morteveien 12, Holum Skog 1481 HAGAN Tlf: 815 44 404 Fax: 815 44 250
  15. Ser bedre ut en Haynes; http://www.autowerks.com/xcart/customer ... 251&page=1 Evt. søk på ebay. Der selges de også på CD. Har f.eks originale MB Werkstatt Handbuch CD'er. Sie sind sehr gut!
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