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Tacho Pro 2008 Mileage Correction Tool
2008.7 Version
Tacho Pro 2008 Description:
Universal Tacho 2008 July Version is the most programming device for diaital speedometers worldwide. The system is high quality tool, which offers a maximum of flexibility and working comfort despite simplest operation. You serve almost any vehicle with the Universal Tacho Pro 2008.
Tacho Pro 2008 Language:
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish
Tacho Pro 2008 Product Feature:
Programming techniques
The Digi-consult is the complete available programming
device for digital speedometers.
Programming without removing the cluster
Programming without opening the cluster
Programming the eeprom by clip
Soldering contacts
Programming by soldering contacts on the circuit board
Processor direct programming
Tacho Pro 2008 Specification:
Outstanding characteristics of our programming system are:
1 The current odometer reading is decoded and shown in the LCD display
2 Easy self explanitory operation by clear menu guidance
3 Backlit display makes working possible in overcast conditions
4 All datasets be edited, saved and loaded
5 The stored data be transferred to a PC for archiving
6 Up to 200 files be stored in the Tacho Universal
7 Broken speedometers be repaired comfortably
8 You receive further developed software from us by Internet
9 New types and manufacturers be released within seconds by telephone. There is no need to send the unit to us.
Tacho Pro 2008 Vehicle Support:
Fully support European, American and Asian vehicle types, most of which be adjusted via OBD-II diagnostic plug.
>BEN Z A/C/CL/CLK/E/G/M/SL/SLK class (before 2000) New E/C class adopt cable technology, clustersocket operation (no need to adjust EIS/EZS)
>Most of BMVV 3/5/7/8/X/Z class vehicles, include operation on EWS, LCM be adjusted via OBDII diagnostic plug.
>All VW/AUDI vehicles, include A6L A8L Q7
>A part of OPEL, SKODA, SEAT
>Some American vehicles
>Other Euro-American vehicle types: Peugeot, Renault, Volvo, Citroen, Alfa, .
Tacho Pro 2008 Packing List:
1 cable P607 for Tacho Universal 0676 OK
2 cable 11DU for Tacho Universal 0677 OK
3 Dongle Hardware for Tacho Universal 0709 OK
4 Cable OBD2+MB Service Reset for Tacho Universal 0742 OK
5 Cable ALFA156 for Tacho Universal 0678 OK
6 Cable ALFA145_146 for Tacho Universal 0679 OK
7 Cable P206 JAEGER for Tacho Universal 0684 OK
8 Cable ALFA166 for Tacho Universal 0681 OK
9 Cable P908 for Tacho Universal 0682 OK
10 Cable ACCORD for Tacho Universal 0683 OK
11 Cable P406 JAEGER for Tacho Universal 0680 OK
12 Cable MB-DiaMox for Tacho Universal 0685 OK
13 Cable GTV SPIDER for Tacho Universal 0686 OK
14 Cable MB SPRINTER Kienzle for Tacho Universal 0687 OK
15 Cable MB-OBD2 for Tacho Universal 0688 OK
16 Cable MB- for Tacho Universal 0689 OK
17 Cable CRYSLER OBD2 for Tacho Universal 0743 OK
18 Cable Multi for Tacho Universal 0690 OK
19 Cable P-106 for Tacho Universal 0691 OK
20 Cable SCOPRIO for Tacho Universal 0692 OK
21 Cable VW GOLF3+MB C-CLASS OLD for Tacho Universal 0744 OK
22 Cable SPRINT VDO for Tacho Universal 0693 OK
23 Cable VW for Tacho Universal 0694 OK
24 Cable HW 4,5,6 for Tacho Universal 0695 OK
25 Cable SHARAN 2000 for Tacho Universal 0696 OK
26 Cable AUDI 2000 for Tacho Universal 0697 OK
27 Cable OBD2 VW-OPEL for Tacho Universal 0698 OK
28 Cable POLO98/BELLTLE/B5 for Tacho Universal 0699 OK
29 Cable DIAG for Tacho Universal 0700 OK
30 Cable E36 for Tacho Universal 0701 OK
31 Cable Z3/compact for Tacho Universal 0702 OK
32 Cable AUDI+VW OBD2+2 for Tacho Universal 0783 OK
33 DONGLE CRYSLER OBD2 for Tacho Universal 0703 OK
34 Dongle 912 for Tacho Universal 0704 OK
35 Cable 912 for Tacho Universal 0712 OK
37 NEC Dongle for Tacho Universal (9S12 DONGLE) 0732 OK
38 Adapter 93cx6 for Tacho Universal 0705 OK
39 Adapter 24COX for Tacho Universal 0706 OK
40 Adapter 35/95XXX for Tacho Universal 0707 OK
41 CLIP EEPROM DIP-8CON for Tacho Universal 0715 OK
42 CLIP EEPROM SOIC-14CON for Tacho Universal (5251) 0714 OK
43 CLIP EEPROM SOIC-8CON for Tacho Universal (5250) 0713 OK
44 Cable power supply for Tacho Universal 0711 OK
45 Tacho Universal hand-held device 0684 OK
46 key Reader PRO 0675 OK
48 GE Cherokee 4199 OK
49 Serial Communication Cable OK