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Fra albumet E31 25års jubileet
Ett par linker til Film fra Munchen og 25 års jubileet for 8 serien Nå kan jeg og skrive i CV'en parkerings vakt på BMW fabrikken 1.45 så står Jan og jeg som dirrigenter i rundkjøringa 3.01 er min bil nærmest døra på administrasjons bygget i Dingolfing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TQPAdNi1N8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8PXazAfGWI
Det er nå 25 år siden 8er serien rullet ut fra fabrikken i Munchen ( slutten av 1989 ) så i den forbindelse er det 25 års Jubileum i Munchen og Internationalt Stortreff Allerede 76 biler påmeldt og 10 av disse er fra Norge , det ventes godt over 100 biler på dette treffet til sommeren se informasjon under. Påmelding her ( må bli medlem for tilgang ) http://www.8er.org/forum/showthread.php?14595-quot-München-2014-quot-the-official-25th-anniversary-Meeting-topic München 2014" the official 25th anniversary Meeting topic This is the official invitation to the Munich Meeting 2014 for the 25th anniversary of our BMW 850/840 Any BMW 8 Series (e31) Owner or Enthusiast is welcome to participate on this unique meeting in the BMW Capitol Munich on May 30. to Jun.01.2014 There is no need to be a member of any BMW Club, as this meeting is organized on behalf of our international 8er.org Federation All information to this meeting will be listed and update under this closed Topic. Any discussion abaout the Meeting shall be held at a separate Topic, I will keep updating this Topic with actual info’s to the Meeting such, that this Topic will always reflect all the Info needed for this meeting. As we are expecting participants from all over Europe and hopefully even more, we will limit our organization to the Hotel and the Events. That means, any participant will travel independent with his Car to the Events and back to the Hotel. Same for the Dinner, as the City of Munich is famous for their “Biergardens” with traditional and delicious Food, we will provide directions and recommendations where and how to get there. This enables you to find together with your party, the “Biergarden” of your choice and furthermore, you will be able to discover Munich together with your Party as of your own interests. There is also a Train station located in walking distance from the Hotel, details how to use the Munich Train-net will follow. Hotel The Hotel “Holiday Inn Unterhaching” was selected as our Meeting Hotel as its location is in a Business district, which will be empty during the weekend and thus ideal for us. It is also close to “Autobahn” and has a Train stop next to the Hotel. The Hotel features a underground parking for 10.- € per 24h, or a big open parking Lot, for free parking, located within walking distance of the Hotel. Use the special Hotel reservation Form at the bottom of this Topic, to make your Hotel room reservation. We have a special Rate including breakfast and a respective room class. The Hotel Restaurant offers also delicious food, such that we might eat on the arrival day (Thursday 29.May) at the Hotel Restaurant and so welcome all the participants, for this reason you will find the respective Dinner reservation on the room booking Form (26.- € for a warm/cold mixed Buffet). And yes, this are only recommendations, so you are absolutely free to select with your party, whatever you prefer, OK The Hotel is holding a guaranteed amount of rooms available until 28th March.14, after this, rooms will be available as per normal Hotel availability. For terms and conditions as well as further Hotel related Info’s, consult the Hotel Homepage under: www.holiday-inn-muenchen.de Program On Friday 30.May.14 we will visit the BMW factory in Dingolfing which is located 130 Km away from the Hotel. Every participant will travel independently with his own car to the Factory where he will be guided to a special parking place. The Factory offers a Program for the whole day, details will follow after my next visit to the Press office at the BMW Dingolfing Plant. We shall expect a program at least as the one we had in 2007,where the words from their Press office, that means, you have to be there Note: Childern under the age of 14 Years may not attend the factory tour as per the factory guidelines On Saturday 31.May we will drive with our Cars to the BMW Museum and park them in front of the Museum and “BMW Welten”. You will be guided into your Parking position such, that we will have the ability to take Photos of all our cars in front of the respective BMW Buildings At the Moment there are 6 guided Tours organized by the BMW Club office in Munich at both, the BMW Museum and the BMW Welten. As most of us probably want to explore these places on our own, we have so far only this 3 guided tours at each place. For Sunday 01.June.14 we have 2 attractions to offer: One is the Car Museum of German Car History located 1 hour drive east of Munich, see also: www.efa-automuseum.de The second Museum is the biggest German Museum called “Deutsches Museum” located in the City of Munich, for details see: www.deutsches-museum.de You are free to visit this Museums at your own convenience, both offer very attractive exhibits If you rather go and visit something else, we can further recommend the famous castle “Schloss Neuschwanstein” (www.neuschwanstein.de) which is located 125 Km (about 1:40 hrs. drive) away from the Hotel About the costs for this Meeting As everybody books his Hotel room himself and also eats at his preferred Biergarden + organizes transportation himself, there are no other costs to be paid for this meeting. We will inform about the BMW factory tour and the BMW Museum if they require us to pay for entrance, which then will be paid directly at their entrance. So there is no prepayment to this meeting The Car Museum in Amerang and the “Deutsches Museum” will be paid individually at the respective entrance
Tok ikke den , men skulle gjerne hatt en ekstra da jeg nå har to 850CSi i stallen og den ene har mulig ulyd fra kassen. Uansett greit å ha en i reserve.
Nå er vel ikke jeg helt habil med to 850CSi i garasjen Har alltid likt 6 serien men synes de siste årene att den designmessig vikelig begynner å bli gammel 8 serien derimot ser enda moderne ut og har ett tidløst design , spesielt med CSi optikken. Ytelser , ja 850 er en tung bil 850CSi 1865kg mot 1510kg for M635 men har krefter i overflod over hele registeret 850CSi gjør 0-100 på 6 sekund alikevel, men følelsen å ligge i 200 på autobanh gire ned til 5 å gi flat fjøl da kjenner en vikelig att det fortsatt er masse krefter igjen. 850CSi 380hk 550nm ( 850i 300hk 450nm ) M635CSi 282hk 333nm http://www.e31.net/technical.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_6_Series_(E24) Jeg hadde ikke vært i tvil , 850i med CSi optikk eller en fullverdig 850CSi , i tillegg så har vi ett godt 850 miljø i Norge.
Mekanisk så er de omtrent udødelige , ojlelekkasjer, tenning og morkne slanger vel vanligste problem men husk det er en 20 år gammel bil ( mine ) men de første kom allerede i 89 og de fleste Norske biler er 90/91 modeller så de vil ha samme problemer som alle eldre biler om ikke de er godt vedlikeholdt. Å kjøpe en entusiasteid bil er nok det beste der det er god bunke med kvitteringer Det er heller ikke lurt å lete etter billigste på markedet , en kan generet si att de billigste er for dyre og de skikkelig vedlikeholdte er for billige i forhold til hva en får igjen. Manuell gir , sportseter , rette felger ,CSI styling , ellers mest mulig orginal trekker opp. Alpina eller CSI er mest ettertraktet og prisene på disse har gått opp de siste årene i Tyskland. men om du seriøst kikker på noen så gi besjed , jeg kan sikkert komme med mer konkrete tips. Hilsen Terje
Garasjen er oppgradert og komplett Nytt prosjekt på plass en CSi som trenger en del stell. Bilen har 233.000km men er opplakkert for 10 år siden og er strøken i lakk , interiør og motorrom ser og godt ut så de meste arbeidet her er under som korrosjon på rør og oppheng + masse foringer som er slitne etter 20år En del små og større feil som defekt bakhjulstyring.
Opp litt , døra går snart til skraphandleren