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Mr E30

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Mr E30's Achievements

  1. TLF: 47354479 MAIL: anilsen490@gmail.com
  2. Da var det på tide å selge Autobahncruisern til fordel for M3. Ligger til 84900,- pris kan diskuteres ved hurtig handel. Kan også ta innbytte i BMW inntil 25000,- Finnkode: 50146318
  3. Hehe, har skremt mye folk med sykkelen Er enda vassere lyd i min
  4. Selger sykkelen min mot egen vilje http://www.finn.no/finn/mc/used/object? ... e=40860455
  5. De er ikke solgt!
  6. bump
  7. Har også 3,5 bars mapsensor som kan følge med.
  8. Plug n Play Full Fuel and Timing Control, Full Standalone, Fully Adjustable Factory Sensors OK Factory Sensors can be retained, however if they need to be changed, (like upgrading to a bigger map sensor), AEM has a full line of sensors available and we stock them! Basemap Included Password Protection Direct Fire Ignition (no resistor box required) 16 General Outputs 8 General Inputs Use these inputs to log various additional sensor readings (Wideband, Air Temp, Fluid Pressure, etc). These inputs can also be used to trigger fail-safes for boost, meth/water/alcohol injection, and much more 4 EGT Inputs (for fuel control) Internal Logging Memory Log data straight to the computer and review the session with your laptop all from within the computer. FULL IDLE CONTROL Customizable Traction Control Full Boost Control (with optional boost control solenoid) 3-Step Launch Control Nitrous Control Definable Knock Control USB Compatible and more...
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