OK, i would agree on the paint-job i also think it is not the good solution but the person who owned this car wanted to see it that way so he made it that way.
Taste is objective matter and everyone has its own, you guys in Norway are much more cool (i mean calm) when it comes about the looks of the car and retro car movement is much stronger that where this guy is coming from. I can understand it and i actually like the car because i have a similar background.
There are so many things i have not said about it that is under the hood and the body. And that is the most value of this project. Exterior can be changed easily but the sweat, long labor hours and off course money that has gone in turning it into the "beast" is the value.
Please keep speaking out your opinions as it is very normal that different people have different approach to things.
I can only hope that not every one in this forum will have only bad word to say about this car