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Wilku210's Achievements

  1. pris pa diff?\
  2. hvor mye for diff??
  3. Hei. Bil fortsatt ikke solgt? Kanskje prisen vil synke, fordi motoren kan være for utveksling, vil jeg være interessert i en bedre pris.
  4. trenger jeg kontakt til deg
  5. I see that i should give little bit more informations. I have bmw 120d and also i do the chip for myself and now i have around 190- 200 hp and 400 nM. Car is working way better. Benzin non turbo engines i can do also and its going to be like 5% more then original. I don't work with cars without obd2, because then is to expensive to do the chiptuning. Turbo bensin and turbodiesel i can chip to around 30% up. original ==========>after chip 1,8 D 115 PS / 280 NM 140 PS / 340 NM 1,8 D 122 PS / 280 NM 142 PS / 340 NM 1,8 D 143 PS / 300 NM 172 PS / 370 NM 2,0 D 136 PS / 280 NM 163 PS / 360 NM 2,0 D 150 PS / 330 NM 180 PS / 400 NM 2,0 D 163 PS / 340 NM 195 PS / 415 NM 2,0 D 177 PS / 320 NM 210 PS / 395 NM 2,0 D 177 PS / 350 NM 210 PS / 420 NM 2,0 D 184 PS / 380 NM 220PS / 430 NM 2,0 D 204 PS / 400 NM 235PS / 460 NM 2,5 D 177 PS / 400 NM 225 PS / 480 nm 2,5 D 197 PS / 400 NM 240 PS / 480 nm 2,5 D 204 PS / 450 NM 240 PS / 500 nm 3,0 D 184 PS / 390 NM 225 PS / 480 NM 3,0 D 194 PS / 410 NM 230 PS / 500 NM 3,0 D 204 PS / 450 NM 245 PS / 530 NM 3,0 D 218 PS / 500 NM 250 PS / 570 NM 3,0 D 231 PS / 520 NM 275 PS / 580 NM 3,0 D 235 PS / 520 NM 275 PS / 590 NM 3,0 D 245 PS / 540 NM 290 PS / 620 NM 3,0 D 258 PS / 560 NM 310 PS / 650 NM 3,5 D Bturbo 272 PS / 560 NM 320 PS / 660 NM 3,5 D ( sport ) V-max 300 km/h 286 PS / 580 NM 330 PS / 680 NM 4,0D 238 PS / 560 NM 290 PS / 640 NM 4,0D 258 PS / 600 NM 305 PS / 680 NM 4,0D 306 PS / 600 NM 350 PS / 700 NM 4,0D seria 6 Coupe 313 PS / 630 NM 360 PS / 720 NM 4,5 D 300 PS / 700 NM 350 PS / 800 NM 4,5 D 329 PS / 750 NM 380 PS / 850 NM Z8 5,0L ( 400 PS) +33 PS +50 Nm V-max 300 km/h This is for bmw engines what i can get in diesel.
  6. Hei!! I can do chiptuning in Haugesund area, just contact me by email, i have good prices and of course you always can come back to original number of HP. I need around 1 hour to do the chip, i do the chip by OBD connection, so you did get any trouble with that. I work together with company with 17 year experience in chiptuning. When you take contact, i can inform you how many hp and nM you can get, and how it's gonna work. My email : wilkus210@gmail.com
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