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ElCaminoLV's Achievements

  1. New price 9999NOK! Shipped to your door!
  2. Hi! Need cash for other rims, so selling these lips: They are original OZ Racing 17x3,0 35holes Freshly polished, all straight and true, no curb damage. Price - 250EUR shiped OBO
  3. Hi, So these are back on sale, now after full refurbish. Very rare set of BBS RZs model 394 All 4 are 16x8.5 ET13 5x120 Fully colourstriped Powdercoated silver metalic Diamond cut lips - clearcoated New BBS logos All are straight and true, no curb damage or anything. Asking 12 000NOK shipped to Nowray/Sweeden with EMS (5-7days) OBO!
  4. New years bump! Next week I'll start working on them, and the price will go up!
  5. Nice rims! Why are you selling?
  6. From Riga, Latvia
  7. No longer available
  8. Here are the new Alufiber rings! Price is the same as Carbon ones. 60USD (45EUR) shipped for 4 rings, 75USD (50EUR) for 4 rings and 20 new stineless steel bolts
  9. New price - 7900NOK Shipped!
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