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afroSAMU's Achievements

  1. UP! New and last price: 8000kr including delevering. Engine still in car, i can start ir and make a short video!
  2. Up! New price: 10 000kr including delevering!
  3. Oddis yes whats true. i really want to sell this engine for some guy who really know how much its worth. I live in Norway before, and i was interested about a lot of things especialy BMW. And i work in place where u can buy used car parts. And it was difficult to find the car with engine like this. Anyway, the engine maybe not looking so good, but you can see and feel in the vid, its really alive, and iam not the guy who making donuts and burnouts with all the time max rpm.. I think i know what iam doing, and you can see it in other my videos if its needed. P.s.Reason why iam selling, i want more power now, so i diside to change engine with originaly more horse power. Still waiting serious buyer.
  4. Stig. its not fully rebuild Was changed this: If i remember corectly in norvegian you calling it pakning, so top and middle paknings, brushed block, bearings, Valve gummy, (adjusted valves), spark plugs, all belts, oil, oil filter. Maybe i forgot something else becouse i didnt it by myself i just pay for work, but it was made what is needed to have engine without problems. About price its possible to change it little bit. Ofcourse in same price you get free delevering what is not so cheap. So i think price is normal.
  5. Hello, Iam selling engine (m20b25) from bmw 3 series e30 325i. Before 800km for engine was made full service, so engine is in good condition now. I will put in couple fresh pic and video. If u have interested, please mail me: kjocas@gmail.com Price is 12 000kr. Youtube video:
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