I'm new on this forum.
Sorry for English, as I'm from Latvia and I don't understand Norwegian, so may be I have created this topic in non proper place on this forum.
But, as I heard, there're no control unit repairing in Norway. As we all know, there're many problems with ABS, LCM, Instrument cluster, Radio Units and many other blocks on E3x series BMW's, many problems with PDC, Antena units on E6x.
So, if no one repairs it in Norway, I want to prefer you this. All the other units, may be not BMW, AUX installation in older radio's and etc. Feel free to contact me PM or here in this thread.
I think that it could be much more interesting for you, as to buy new Control unit for 1-2k€ isn't a very good idea.
Also, Administrators, if I didn't create this post in right place, please, move it there it should be.