Litt vanskelig å si da - kan jo være dårlig kontakt / ledning med brudd eller annet. Du kan og med et multimeter forsøke å måle spenningen - kanskje verkstedet kan hjelpe med dette hvis du ikke har utstyr til det. Finnes en kombinasjon du kan forsøke for å resette vinduet - fant tidligere denne:
Courtesy of a BMW tech on another forum, ...with thanks.
Initialization is performed on the power window switch of the relevant door.
Requirements for correct initialization:
• Initialization with engine running
• Convertible top, doors and windows closed
Initialization comprises:
• Erasure of initialization
• Reinitialization
An initialization must be performed:
• In the event of malfunctions, e.g. no one-touch control function, no opening or if available no comfort function is possible
• After the power window drive has been replaced
• After work is carried out on the power window mechanism
• After a power supply interruption, e.g. disconnection of the battery or disconnection of the power supply to the door
• After the door window glass has been removed and installed or replaced
• After adjustment work on the door window glass
• After adjustment work on the convertible top
• After replacement of seals
Erasure of initialization:
• Open door window glass fully
• Operate power window switch in "Open" position four times within 10 seconds
This erases initialization of the power window, anti-trapping protection and toll function are inactive.
Check whether one-touch control (toll) function is inactive, otherwise repeat procedure.
Avoid a break between the two steps!
• Open door window glass fully
• Operate and hold power window switch in "Close" position (second switch stage)
• Once the upper end position has been reached, hold power window switch in "Close" position for approx. 2 seconds longer
• Open door window glass fully
• Operate and hold power window switch in "Close" position (second switch stage)
• Once the upper end position has been reached, hold power window switch in "Close" position for approx. 2 seconds longer
Selve prosedyren kan virke litt vanskelig og komplisert - et YouTube søk kan kanskje vise fremgangsmåten.
Husker at når jeg testet dette erfarte jeg at det ikke fungerte og endte som sagt opp med å bytte vindusheis.