retbergen Skrevet Mai 6, 2012 Skrevet Mai 6, 2012 bilen er nå 3 mnd gammel i mitt eie og tenkte å gjøre en del sjøl før service. Fikk BMW scanner akkurat og det var imponerende å se greiene snakke med bilen. Webastoen virker fucked, men nedprioritert så langt. har bytta veivhusfilter og venter på swirl flaps blanking plates i posten. Det andre maset er vel glødeplugg (hvilken?) og en dårlig ABS sensor? Forsøke å rense/vaske først? hva er Thermal oil-level sensor? Er det noe her som skal få meg til å mekke bil i 5 pluss grader? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMW Scanner v1.4.0.7 (14.01.2009) - P.A.Soft, 2008 HW: V144Bn9 Time: 23:11:50 05.05.2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZCS coding : /-------- IKE --------\ /-------- EWS --------\ Chassis : E39 E39 Model : 530tdiA 530tdiA Type key : DP81 DP81 Engine : M57D30 M57D30 Gearbox : Automatic Automatic VIN : GS94701 WBADP81080GS94701 ZCS GM : 58810000-D 58810000-D ZCS SA : 28010C911FF507A4-M 28010C911FF507A4-M ZCS VN : 1010000083-0 1010000083-0 ZCS coding : /-------- IKE --------\ /-------- EWS --------\ Chassis : E39 E39 Model : 530tdiA 530tdiA Type key : DP81 DP81 Engine : M57D30 M57D30 Gearbox : Automatic Automatic VIN : GS94701 WBADP81080GS94701 ZCS GM : 58810000-D 58810000-D ZCS SA : 28010C911FF507A4-M 28010C911FF507A4-M ZCS VN : 1010000083-0 1010000083-0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW CI DI BI/VI Date Odometer VIN ADFG Algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDE* -> 7.789.376 53 C0 01 16 04 38/01 227330 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 DDE4.0 M57 EGS -> 7.508.145 29 64 00 10 60 40/00 227330 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 GS20 # SCAN START --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW CI DI BI/VI Date Odometer VIN ADFG Algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDE* -> 7.789.376 53 C0 01 16 04 38/01 227330 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 DDE4.0 M57 EGS -> 7.508.145 29 64 00 10 60 40/00 227330 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 GS20 EWS -> 9.127.086 05 02 81 81 07 40/06 227335 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 EWS4 ABS -> 6.755.741 54 03 10 16 3C 28/00 - - - DSC5.7 LEW -> 6.750.126 04 03 01 20 60 38/00 - GS94701 004701 LWS5.1B A/C -> 6.902.548 52 61 03 50 10 40/00 - - 014701 IHKA E39 09/2000 SRS -> 6.900.727 40 30 10 08 00 40/00 - GS94701 000000 MRS3 IKE -> 6.906.998 15 14 12 08 11 41/00 227339 km GS94701 000007 M35080 - 1 (IKI) LCM -> 6.908.468 D1 42 18 13 00 40/00 227300 km GS94701 - HC11PH8 - 1 (LCM3) ZKE -> 6.901.228 20 22 05 21 07 41/00 - - FF4701 ZKE3 GM1 MFL -> 0.000.000 01 08 00 03 78 00/00 - - - MFL2 PDC -> 6.904.010 01 13 03 01 01 41/00 - - 014701 PDC E38/E39/E46/E53 AIC -> 6.904.012 04 14 00 00 00 39/00 - - 270900 AIC RAD -> 6.914.867 41 50 01 31 11 41/00 - - 004701 Radio ZIS/BM/MIR TEL -> 6.914.213 10 14 02 04 09 00/00 - - - TEL SZM -> 8.380.326 61 F8 01 10 78 39/00 - - 000000 SZM E38 MID -> 6.909.140 41 21 00 02 05 36/00 - - 000036 MID E38/E39/E53/L30 STH -> 8.387.103 01 17 01 01 0A 28/00 - - 004701 STH E38/E39/E46/E53 DSP -> 6.905.119 03 04 01 02 05 40/00 - GS94701 - DSP2 EHC -> 1.092.396 00 65 06 01 06 38/00 - - 045503 EHC LRA -> 8.375.964 D1 05 03 01 05 38/00 - - FFFFFF LWR2A # USER INFO FIELDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Date VIN Odometer Assembly Software Service Dealer Tester Program ver. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDE* -> 13.10.00 WBADP81080GS94701 0 km 7.788.039 7.788.040 7.787.125 012321 42324 - 15.05.01 WBADP81080GS94701 18000 km 7.788.039 7.788.040 7.787.125 000101 20000 - 17.12.02 WBADP81080GS94701 61800 km 7.789.633 7.789.634 7.787.125 000101 20000 - 09.04.03 WBADP81080GS94701 70200 km 7.789.633 7.789.634 7.787.125 000101 20000 - EGS -> 13.10.00 WBADP81080GS94701 0 km 7.511.504 7.511.505 1.000.000 012321 42324 - 15.05.01 WBADP81080GS94701 18000 km 7.513.822 7.513.823 1.000.000 000101 20000 - # ERRORS IN UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW ERRORS / SHADOW-MEMORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDE* -> 7.789.376 53 C0 1 error / 6 errors EGS -> 7.508.145 29 64 2 errors EWS -> 9.127.086 05 02 2 errors / 1 error ABS -> 6.755.741 54 03 2 errors LEW -> 6.750.126 04 03 no errors A/C -> 6.902.548 52 61 2 errors SRS -> 6.900.727 40 30 no errors IKE -> 6.906.998 15 14 4 errors LCM -> 6.908.468 D1 42 1 error / 5 errors ZKE -> 6.901.228 20 22 5 errors / 1 error MFL -> 0.000.000 01 08 no data PDC -> 6.904.010 01 13 no errors AIC -> 6.904.012 04 14 no errors RAD -> 6.914.867 41 50 no errors TEL -> 6.914.213 10 14 no data SZM -> 8.380.326 61 F8 2 errors / no errors MID -> 6.909.140 41 21 1 error STH -> 8.387.103 01 17 3 errors DSP -> 6.905.119 03 04 no errors EHC -> 1.092.396 00 65 no errors LRA -> 8.375.964 D1 05 1 error / no errors # ERRORS DETAILS - DTC(hex)/PARAM(hex) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDE* -> 3505/FC - Glow-plug system Shadow-memory: 3505/FC - Glow-plug system 3515/30 - A/C-capacity output 1A22/30 - Swirl flaps 0480/30 - Electric fan 0400/B8 - Exhaust gas recirculation control or exhaust gas recirculation controller 1E00/30 - CAN bus EGS -> 95/20 - CAN Wheel speeds 81/20 - CAN Timeout DME EWS -> FF/03 - General reset 0F/01 - Power on reset Shadow-memory: 2A/3F - Error number 2A ABS -> 05/01 - Wheel speed sensor rear right, plausibility 3A/99 - Gear box control unit CAN error message A/C -> 1E/41 - Auxiliary water pump 32/44 - Additional heater IKE -> BF/C8 - Internal fault, EEPROM checksum, coding incorrect/incomplete D7/81 - Tank sensor 2, right 8D/90 - EGS signal line disturbed CE/C1 - Outside-temperature sensor LCM -> 28/1F - Thermal oil-level sensor defect Shadow-memory: 59/01 - Transmission failsafe program 5B/15 - Level washer fluid 5F/04 - Check coolant level 7B/01 - Front right side light 99/1F - Licence plate light ZKE -> DC/03 - Steering column angle: communication error E3/08 - Steering column longitudinal adjustment: blocking rear CA/0A - Driver's seat seat angle: blocking above DF/04 - Steering column angle: blocking below C6/02 - Driver's seat seat height: blocking above Shadow-memory: 93/29 - Power up from the GM III SZM -> 07/01 - Heating surface Seat heating left, Open circuit 08/05 - Heating surface Seat heating right, Open circuit MID -> 04/01 - No valid status response of DSP STH -> 01/42 - Temperature sensor 03/02 - Circulation pump 02/02 - Combusation air fan LRA -> 01/01 - Signal error # SCAN END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW CI DI BI/VI Date Odometer VIN ADFG Algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRA -> 8.375.964 D1 05 03 01 05 38/00 - - FFFFFF LWR2A DSP -> 6.905.119 03 04 01 02 05 40/00 - GS94701 - DSP2 STH -> 8.387.103 01 17 01 01 0A 28/00 - - 004701 STH E38/E39/E46/E53 # SCAN START --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW CI DI BI/VI Date Odometer VIN ADFG Algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EWS -> 9.127.086 05 02 81 81 07 40/06 227335 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 EWS4 A/C -> 6.902.548 52 61 03 50 10 40/00 - - 014701 IHKA E39 09/2000 SRS -> 6.900.727 40 30 10 08 00 40/00 - GS94701 000000 MRS3 IKE -> 6.906.998 15 14 12 08 11 41/00 227339 km GS94701 000007 M35080 - 1 (IKI) LCM -> 6.908.468 D1 42 18 13 00 40/00 227300 km GS94701 - HC11PH8 - 1 (LCM3) ZKE -> 6.901.228 20 22 05 21 07 41/00 - - FF4701 ZKE3 GM1 MFL -> 0.000.000 01 08 00 03 78 00/00 - - - MFL2 PDC -> 6.904.010 01 13 03 01 01 41/00 - - 014701 PDC E38/E39/E46/E53 AIC -> 6.904.012 04 14 00 00 00 39/00 - - 270900 AIC RAD -> 6.914.867 41 50 01 31 11 41/00 - - 004701 Radio ZIS/BM/MIR TEL -> 6.914.213 10 14 02 04 09 00/00 - - - TEL SZM -> 8.380.326 61 F8 01 10 78 39/00 - - 000000 SZM E38 MID -> 6.909.140 41 21 00 02 05 36/00 - - 000036 MID E38/E39/E53/L30 STH -> 8.387.103 01 17 01 01 0A 28/00 - - 004701 STH E38/E39/E46/E53 DSP -> 6.905.119 03 04 01 02 05 40/00 - GS94701 - DSP2 EHC -> 1.092.396 00 65 06 01 06 38/00 - - 045503 EHC LRA -> 8.375.964 D1 05 03 01 05 38/00 - - FFFFFF LWR2A # ERRORS IN UNITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW ERRORS / SHADOW-MEMORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EWS -> 9.127.086 05 02 2 errors / 1 error A/C -> 6.902.548 52 61 2 errors SRS -> 6.900.727 40 30 no errors IKE -> 6.906.998 15 14 4 errors LCM -> 6.908.468 D1 42 1 error / 5 errors ZKE -> 6.901.228 20 22 5 errors / 1 error MFL -> 0.000.000 01 08 no data PDC -> 6.904.010 01 13 no errors AIC -> 6.904.012 04 14 no errors RAD -> 6.914.867 41 50 no errors TEL -> 6.914.213 10 14 no data SZM -> 8.380.326 61 F8 2 errors / no errors MID -> 6.909.140 41 21 1 error STH -> 8.387.103 01 17 2 errors DSP -> 6.905.119 03 04 no errors EHC -> 1.092.396 00 65 no errors LRA -> 8.375.964 D1 05 no errors / no errors # ERRORS DETAILS - DTC(hex)/PARAM(hex) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EWS -> FF/03 - General reset 0F/01 - Power on reset Shadow-memory: 2A/3F - Error number 2A A/C -> 1E/41 - Auxiliary water pump 32/44 - Additional heater IKE -> BF/C8 - Internal fault, EEPROM checksum, coding incorrect/incomplete D7/81 - Tank sensor 2, right 8D/90 - EGS signal line disturbed CE/C1 - Outside-temperature sensor LCM -> 28/1F - Thermal oil-level sensor defect Shadow-memory: 59/01 - Transmission failsafe program 5B/15 - Level washer fluid 5F/04 - Check coolant level 7B/01 - Front right side light 99/1F - Licence plate light ZKE -> DC/03 - Steering column angle: communication error E3/08 - Steering column longitudinal adjustment: blocking rear CA/0A - Driver's seat seat angle: blocking above DF/04 - Steering column angle: blocking below C6/02 - Driver's seat seat height: blocking above Shadow-memory: 93/29 - Power up from the GM III SZM -> 07/01 - Heating surface Seat heating left, Open circuit 08/05 - Heating surface Seat heating right, Open circuit MID -> 04/01 - No valid status response of DSP STH -> 01/42 - Temperature sensor 07/48 - Under voltage cut off # SCAN END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit BMWTNR HW SW-FSW CI DI BI/VI Date Odometer VIN ADFG Algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/C -> 6.902.548 52 61 03 50 10 40/00 - - 014701 IHKA E39 09/2000 EWS -> 9.127.086 05 02 81 81 07 40/06 227335 km WBADP81080GS94701 000000 EWS4
mudbug Skrevet Mai 6, 2012 Skrevet Mai 6, 2012 Jeg anbefaler å slette alle feilmeldingene. Du tar diagnose etter noen dager for å se feilmelding som dukker opp igjen.
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