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Har en hel haug med spill til Xbox 360 som tar opp endel plass.. Noen som er interessert?

har både originale og backup spill. Kom med bud på de originale, mens backup spillene er det 15-20kr pr stk. (avhengig av antallet som kjøpes)


Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

Battlefield 3

Call Of Duty - Black Ops

Call Of Duty - Modern Warefare 2

Call Of Duty - Modern Warefare 3


Far Cry 3

Fifa 06

Gitar Hero - World Tour

Halo Reach + Fable 3

Import Tuner Challenge

Kinect Adventures!

L.A. Noire

Mafia 2

PGR - Project Gotham Racing 3


Sega Superstars tennis

Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls V)

Test Drive - Unlimited


Backup spill:

Alan Wake

Aliens Vs Predator

Army Of Two

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed 2

Banjo - Kazogie - Nuts&Bolts

Battlefield - Bad Company

Battlefield - Bad Company 2


Bioshock 2

Blazing Angels 2


Bullet Witch

Burnout Paradise

Call Of Duty 3

Call Of Duty 4

Call Of Juarez - Bound of Blood


Clive Barker's Jericho

Colin Mcrae - Dirt

Condemned 2 - Bloodshot


Crysis 2

Dark Sector

Dead Island

Dead Or Alive 4

Dead Rising

Dead Space

Dead Space 2

Deus Ex - human Revolution

Enslaved - Odyssey to the West

Fallout 3 (+Broken Steel+The Lookout)

Fallout 3 - Las Vegas

Far Cry 2


Fear 2

Fear 3

Fifa 09

Fight Night Round 3

Flatout - Ultimate Carnage

Forza Motorsport 2

Gears Of War

Gears Of War 2

Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter 2

Grand Theft Auto IV

Half Life 2 - The Orange Box

Halo 3

James Bond - Blood Stone

James Bond - Quantum Of Solace

Just Cause 2

Kane & Lunch - Dead Man

Larry Office Box

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2

Loony Toons - ACME Arsenal

Lost Planet - Extreme Condition

Mass Effect 2

Mirror's Edge

Need For Speed - Pro Street

Oblivion (The Elder Scrolls IV)

Operation Flashpoint II - Dragon Raising

Race Driver Grid

Rayman Raving Ribbids

Red Dead Redemtion

Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare

Red Faction - Guerrillia

Resident Evil 5

Rock Band 2

Pirates Of The Caribean - At World's End


Rainbow Six - Vegas

Ridge Racer 6

Section 8

Sega Rally

Soldier Of Fortune - Payback

Splinter Cell - Double Agent

Star Wars - The Force Unleashed


Tomb Raider - Underground

Viva Pinata



WWE - Smackdown VS Raw

Zumba Fitness - Kinect


  • 2 weeks later...

Bump... Xbox360'n er solgt..

Har også en kinect til salgs.. Ny strømforsyning, ny fjernkontroll +++


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