Fant denne informasjonen:
Cylinder arrangement: In-line
Number of cylinders: 4
Aspiration: Turbocharged
Season of first appearance in F1: 1987
Displacement: 1500 cc
valves per cylinder: 4
Cams: 2
Power (approxiamately): 920 PS
Compression ratio: 7,500:1
Bore diameter: 89,200 mm
Stroke length: 60,000 mm
Fuel system: Bosch fuel injection
Cylinder arrangement: In-line
Number of cylinders: 4
Aspiration: Turbocharged
Season of first appearance in F1: 1988
Displacement: 1500 cc
valves per cylinder: 4
Cams: 2
Power (approxiamately): between 640 and 650 PS
Maximum rpm (approxiamately): 11800
Bore diameter: 89,200 mm
Stroke length: 60,000 mm
Ignition: Bosch
Fuel system: Bosch fuel injection
Men det sto også et annet sted at den kjørte med 1000hp i konkurranser, og opptil 1400hp i kvalifikasjonsrunder.