Ja monteringen fungerte bra. Måtte file litt av pluggen for å få den til passe 100%.
Rengjorde EGR og innsug med Mr. Muscle Oven cleaner. Har sett bilder av værre, men de var absolutt modne for rengjøring! Har kjørt ca 15000km siden. Fungerer bra, men har ikke åpnet opp for å se hvor mye gørr som slipper inn gjennom EGR systemet nå.
Står endel om EGR på babybmw.net forumet. Her er en post jeg la inn der etter å kjørt litt logging på EGR funksjonaliteten med Bavarian Technic Software:
"Did some testing today. I have the Bavarian Technic software and with this you can monitor realtime values from your engine on a laptop connected to the OBD2 port. One of the values to monitor is the EGR operation. The value is displayed as % so I guess it is how much open the EGR valve is. My goal was to find out under which conditions the valve is open to let the exhaust gas in.
Connected the laptop, started the software, chose the EGR option under the engine menu and went for a ride. This is my observations:
When engine is cold the valve is closed.
When reaching operating temperature the valve opens when the engine load is light(accelerator pedal lightly used). Typical highway cruising means valve is fully open. As soon as the accelerator is pushed(engine load increase) the valve closes(gradually).
The valve is closed at RPMs above 2000
The valve is fully open at idle. When idling for more than about 15 minutes it closes.
The valve operation is not on/off, it gradually opens and closes.
So to conclude from my observations it seems that careful(economic..) driving and a lot of idling is what will gunk your EGR and intake.. My conclusion is that it will be smart to drive your car hard at regular intervals to clean it out
Then I decided to blank out the exhaust side of the EGR with a 22mm brass tube plug. After a few minutes drive the CEL came on and the error code said the EGR system was faulty. I ended up drilling a 8mm hole in the plug. This seems to be enough to keep the CEL from lighting. The inner diameter of the piping is about 24mm so I hope the decrease in exhaust gas should be significant. I will have a look int the EGR valve after a while to see if it still gunks up.
Anyway now that I know under what conditions the valve is open I can avoid driving like that for long periods"