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  1. Subbene er solgt
  2. 2 stk pent brukte Earthquake SWS-8xi sub'er selges. Passer rett inn i brønnene for sub under for-setene på BMW E60/61. Gir en enorm bass de originale sub'ene ikke kommer i nærheten av! Røverkjøp, selges samlet for kr 750,-. Kjøper betaler frakt!
  3. Pent brukt, gir en ekstrem lydforbedring i BMW E60/61. "After-market", dvs at det ikke synes, bare høres! Amplifier Type: Digital Number of channels : 5 Channel Max. Power (Watt): 840 Signal-/noise ratio at nominal power (dB): > 95 Distortion factor at nominal power (1 kHz): < 0,05 % Frequency response (Hz) -1dB: 10-30000 Stability normal mode (Ohm): 2 Pre-equipped for Plug & Play: Yes Inputs Direct Aux-In (number of): 2 Direct Aux-In (connection type): 3.5 mm phone jack Max. cable diameter (mm²): 10 Highlevel (number of): 4 Outputs Loud speaker (number of): 5 Loud speaker (connection type): Screw Loud speaker (max. cable diameter in mm²): 2,5 Connector material: Silver General Height x Width x Depth (mm): 41 x 335 x 159 Installation location: Dashboard, Leg room, Glove compartment, Boot Røverkjøp, samlet pris kr 1500,-. Kjøper betaler frakt.
  4. Da jeg selger min 2006mod BMW 520, så har jeg tatt ut oppgraderingen av stereoanlegget og selger dette komplett. Her er det penger å spare for en kjempeoppgradering av lyden i bilen! Forsterker: Blaupunkt THA555 Plug & Play amplfier key features Blaupunkt Plug-n-Play amplifiers allow you to add an amplifier to many models factory-fitted head units (vehicle-specific wiring loom is required). Class D digital circuits allow for extremely compact enclosures with low heat emission, enabling installation into the smallest of spaces. High efficiency design allows plenty of power whilst using original vehicle wiring harness. Direct input feature allows an auxiliary input from Walkman to play through vehicle's speaker system - even when factory-fitted head unit would not normally allow this Max power 1,000W. Max. Power at 4 Ohms 4 x 110W + 1 x 400W / 2 x 300W + 1 x 400W Max. Power at 2 Ohms 4 x 130W + 1 x 500W RMS Power at 4 Ohms 4 x 55W + 1 x 200W / 2 x 150W + 1 x 200W RMS Power at 2 Ohms 4 x 65W + 1 x 250W Number of channels 5 / 4 / 3 bridgeable Frequency response 10 - 30,000 Hz Signal to noise ratio > 95 dBA Distortion factor (@ full RMS Power) < 0.05 % Input impedance > 10 kOhm Input sensitivity 0.3 - 8 V Stability 2 Ohms (4 Ohms bridged) Lowpass filter 50 - 250 Hz (24dB/Octave) Highpass filter 10 - 250 Hz (12dB/Octave) Inputs 6 x RCA, 4 x PnP HighLevel, 2 x Direct Aux Outputs 5 x speakers Wired remote control for adjusting bass level included Includes two block connector plugs for supply / earth / remote-turn on and speaker connections Dimensions (w x h x d) 355 x 41 x 159 mm Complete with fixings, spare fuse, operating and installing guide Subwoofere: 2 stk Earthquake SWS-8XI Earthquake Sound Corporation is the original inventor of the Shallow Woofer System (SWS) that produces a lot of bass from a small space. Protected by 3 U.S. Patents, Earthquake Sound manufactures the SWS woofers in 5 different sizes (6.5”, 8”, 10”, 12” and 15”) with 4W impedance. Our most popular size is the SWS-8 due to the fact that it is designed to replace the BMW factory speakers that are located under the front seats. There is no modification required. Simply remove the seats and replace the factory woofers with the exact-fitting SWS-8 woofers to improve the sound quality of your mobile audio. Since many OEM amplifiers are now coming with a 2-Ohm impedance, Earthquake Sound released the SWS-8Xi that has a 2-Ohm voice coil. In addition to BMW cars, the SWS series are the perfect BASS solution for any car. Many factories are now using woofers in small areas. To improve your bass, simply replace the factory speakers with the SWS woofers. Low profile mount for placement anywhere 2-Ohm impedance Inverted style cone design for maximum excursion in shallow mount applications High temperature voice with heat-sink attachment NOMEX/ROMEX spider assembly Protected by 3 U.S. patents Aluminum Bobbin 8" High-perfomance sub 2-Ohm 300 Watts Max 150 Watts RMS Høyttalere dør: DLS Reference R4 20 mm (0,8") Silk Dome diskant 100 cm (4") bass/mellomtone RMS effekt: 50W Maks effekt: 80W Impedanse: 4 ohm Frekvensområde: 65 Hz - 20.000 Hz Crossover: 6000 Hz Følsomhet: 94 dB (1W/1m) Magnetdiameter: 80 mm Delefilter: 6/6dB (LP/HP) Størrelse delefilter: 125 x 44 x 35 mm Monteringsdybde 60 mm Monteringshull: 102 mm Opprinnelig pris på utstyret er: Blaupunkt THA555 pnp kr 3295,- (Egen import) Forlengelseskabel til Blaupunkt 5,5 m kr 1195,- (Bilradiospesialisten AS) Adapter for BMW kr 495,- (Bilradiospesialisten AS) 2 stk Earthquake SWS-8XI kr 1800,- (Egen import) DLS Reference R4 kr 1790,- (Bilradiospesialisten AS) Alt er som nytt, og gir en lydopplevelse som står i stil med bilen uten at oppgraderingen er synlig!!! Selges samlet for kr 5500,- + frakt
  5. Jeg gjennomførte en omfattende oppgradering av lyden i min BMW E60, og i den prosessen ble det bestilt en forsterker for mye. Har derfor en til overs som nå er til salgs. Koster kr 2895,- hos BilRadiospesialisten (http://www.bilradiospes.no/m/shop/?prod ... id=&vn=736), selges her for kr 2000,- inkl frakt. Varen er helt ny i originaleske! Dette er en utmerket digital "after-market" forsterker som virkelig hever lyden i din BMW (både med original høyttalere og med ettermonterte høyttalere). Montering og brukererfaringer med denne fortsterkeren er beskrevet i flere tråder her på Bimmers. Spesifikasjoner: Forsterker Type: Digital Antall kanaler: 4 kanaler Effekt (RMS): 4 x 75 watt i 4 ohm (4 x 85 watt i 2 ohm) 2 x 180 watt RMS brokoblet 4ohm Signal-/støyforhold ved nominell styrke (dB): > 95 Forvrengningsfaktor ved nominell styrke (1 kHz): < 0,05 % Frekvensrespons (Hz)- 1 dB: 10-30000 Stabilitet normal mode (Ohm): 2 Forberedt til Plug & Play: Ja Innganger Direct Aux-In (antall): 2 Direct Aux-In (tilkoblingstype): 3,5 mm telefonstikk Maks kabeldiameter (mm2): 10 Høynivå (antall): 4 Utganger Høyttalere (antall): 4 Høyttaler (maks kabeldiameter i mm2): 2,5 Generelt Høyde x bredde x dybde (mm): 41 x 285 x 159 Installationsplassering: Dashbord, Benplass, Hanskerom, Bagasjerom Vær obs på at forsterkeren krever et kabelsett for å monteres på din BMW. Disse fås kjøpt blant annet hos Bilradiospesialisten. Ta gjerne kontakt på kurtikabul@hotmail.com
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