Det kan være, men er mer sannsynlig at det ikke er. Den går jo helt fint fint uten ujevn gange når den er kald, det er når motoren er varm den tuller seg.
Edit: Leste dette på ett forum, riktignok ett Porsche 944 forum. Men det kan være samme problemet.
I think it is interesting that it runs fine and then starts stumbling.
Does this only happen when the car is cold? For example if the car has been sitting overnight and you start it, it runs fine for a bit and then starts running rough, right? If you then turn it off and immediately start it again does it still run rough?
If you answer yes to both of these problems, it sounds like the problem is temperature dependent. When the car starts cold, it ignores the input from the O2 sensor and runs off a predetermined fuel map with additional fuel to richen the mixture when cold. Once the motor reaches operating temp, measured from the DME temperature sensor, the DME leans out the mixture and tries to use the O2 sensor to manage the A/F ratio.
That only leaves a couple of items to cause problems:
1. The DME
2. The O2 Sensor
The DME temp switch shouldn't be the problem because that would cause it to run rough when cold, not warm.
To test the DME, you'll need a spare to swap in. To test the O2 sensor, simply unplug the connection at the firewall.
The only other suspect I can think of is the reference sensors. They can sometimes be sensitive to heat.