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Domaseffe's Achievements

  1. Selger jeg BMW M Sport ratt med airbag Veldig bra stand Passer: BMW F30,F20,F15,F25,F16 Uten oppvarmingsfunksjon Pris: 4500kr Sted: Asker/Oslo
  2. https://www.finn.no/car/used/ad.html?finnkode=94941175&fks=94941175
  3. So im selling my old original headlights. It was in BMW E87. Don't know to wich other models it fits. As Well have original speakers set from E87 and BMW Business radio Price: Just bid here or write PM and we can agree on something cuz dont need them and don't know price for it
  4. Hey Selling 2 tyres R19 265/30 They are almost new, used just for 500km so it should be around 8mm left Brand: WINRUN Made in china so cant ask more that 1500kr for both Price 1500kr Place: Oslo
  5. NOT FOR SALE ANYMORE Can delete this post
  6. Probably should mention price.. 7500kr
  7. Hey Im selling my BBS LM 19' copies They are looking like new. I have used them on my E87 for 1.5month. So tyres are basically new as well there is one scratch on one rear wheel and thats it. Could trade to something 18' with lip
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