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Fannt ei annonse på finn med ein rå BMW 2005 modell mtech diesel.. Sto 115000kr i annonsa.. Den var skreve på norsk og bilen hadde norske skilt.. Sto at bilen hadde pant/heftelser, men at dei blei sletta ved salg.. Då måtte eg berre kontakte selger å høyre med han om prisen var riktig og då fekk eg det svaret her:


I am sorry that I am not writing You in Norway language because I do not speak it very well and it is better to write in English. If You are having problems understanding my message, don't hesitate to contact me but I hope the details I am giving will be easily understood.

The car is in great working condition, has no scratches or dents, never been involved in any kind of accidents and also the car interior is impeccable ( I do not smoke ). The engine works perfectly, all the services were done to at an authorised service. I can ensure You that the car is full operational. You can also see in the photos I have posted that the car is in perfect condition.

I bought this car from The Netherlands at the same time when I bought a holiday house there. Due to some financial problems I am having I had to sell the holiday house a few months ago. I did not manage to sell the car too when I sold the house because I did not have a lot of time at my disposal so I decided to take the car with me in England and try to sell it here in England. At this time the car is located in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom same place where me and my family live.

I have tried to sell it in here, but it is very difficult to sell it due to the fact that it has the steering wheel on the left side ( in England the cars have the steering wheel on the right side ). I also tried to sell it to a local dealer but the price that they are offering to me is too low. I have decided to sell the car to a Norway person because the car is still registered in The Netherlands and has Norway papers ( Norway plate number and also Norway certificate which means in case we will close the deal, You won't have to pay any import taxes). The car has all the Norway taxes paid.

If You are interested in buying the car, the total price including the transport taxes to The Netherlands country and also the transfer of the propriety onto your name is 115.000 Kr. I know that the price is under the market price, but it is a fair price considering my situation. As I am very busy with my new job ( I am lawyer ) I can not come to The Netherlands to sell the car there, I prefer to sell the car at a lower price then the market price and close the deal in one of the following ways:

1- The first option would be through a transport company ( they will transport the car and also handle the money / a company that ensures safety for buyer and seller at the same time ). After consulting with some friends, it seems that this is the best way to complete an Internet transaction. The name of the transport company that I prefer to use is Euro Alliance. This is one of the largest transport companies in Europe and they deliver the product directly to buyer's address. The services that they are providing are very safe for both of us. Using this type of company will give You the chance to inspect the car before I receive the payment for it. Through this company it will take maximum 5 business days to have the car delivered to The Netherlands and the car will come with 10 Days Return policy ( In case the car won't meet your conditions You have the right to return it without paying any taxes and your money will be refunded to You immediately).

2- The second option is for You to come to Middlesbrough, United Kingdom and complete the transaction in person by paying cash.

That's all I can say for the moment, but if You are interested in having more information about the transaction or the car I would be glad to reply with more information.

With Respect,

Michael Semsch !

77 Kader Avenue

Middlesbrough Cleveland TS5 8NH

United Kingdom

Annonsa var vekk når eg skulle sjekke finn.no idag:/ Ka dokke trur???


Dette vil jeg tro er svindel,svarte på en annonse tidligere på finn der samme person som hevdet han var advokat,det var bildet av en blå 320d touring med norske skilt,dette var en 2003 modell.Jeg lot vær og svare på mailen da jeg ble svært mistenksom,bilen var priset til 125000,-Denne annonsen forvant fra finn veldig raskt.Skulle kanskje meldt ifra til Finn.no om dette.


Ja då er det nok svindel... Nei skulle vel ha rapportert, sånnt kan jo ikkje foregå.. Men vil tru dei fleste vil vere mistenksomme og spør andre, eller styre unna.. Men ken som skrive i parantes: I am lawyer.. Ser passe domt ut egentlig..


Er sånne svindelforsøk daglig detsverre.. har meldt inn flere svindler..

Det verste er at folk går på dette.. mange krever forskuddsbetaling og folk biter på..

Er det for godt til å vere sant.. SÅ ER DET DET!


Dette er old news! Har vært mange sånne tilfeller på finn i løpet av det siste året.. Typisk er at oppgitt telefonnummer ikke eksisterer og det står kun utstyrsliste og ingen annonsetekst.


Ja det er nok svindel!!

Fant en 06 325i m-tech til 125,000

På finn for noen mnd siden.

Han hevdet at han var advokat å hadde jobbet i norge.

å bilen stod i london på norske skilter..

Etter noen mailer med han, mente han at han kunne sende meg bilen mot forskuddsbetaling..

Var rimelig sikker på at det var svindel fra starten av men tenkte jo at kansje det kunne vær ett kupp;)

Ville ikke fårhånds betale med tanke på svindel, så sa jeg kunne møte han på flyplassen i london å hvis bilen var bra, at jeg kunne betale den der.

etter det hørte jeg ikke noe mer fra han å bilen ble borte fra finn :roll:

Syns det har vært mye sånne svindel antydninger på finn i det siste altså :twisted:


Samme fyren som har lagt ut denne:


Først lå den ute til 50k.. Sendte mail, og fikk svar på engelsk av en som heter michael semsch..


I am sorry that I am not writing You in Norway language because I do not speak it very well and it is better to write in English. If You are having problems understanding my message, don't hesitate to contact me but I hope the details I am giving will be easily understood.

The car is in great working condition, has no scratches or dents, never been involved in any kind of accidents and also the car interior is impeccable ( I do not smoke ). The engine works perfectly, all the services were done to at an authorised service. I can ensure You that the car is full operational. You can also see in the photos I have posted that the car is in perfect condition.

I bought this car from The Netherlands at the same time when I bought a holiday house there. Due to some financial problems I am having I had to sell the holiday house a few months ago. I did not manage to sell the car too when I sold the house because I did not have a lot of time at my disposal so I decided to take the car with me in England and try to sell it here in England. At this time the car is located in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom same place where me and my family live.

I have tried to sell it in here, but it is very difficult to sell it due to the fact that it has the steering wheel on the left side ( in England the cars have the steering wheel on the right side ). I also tried to sell it to a local dealer but the price that they are offering to me is too low. I have decided to sell the car to a Norway person because the car is still registered in The Netherlands and has Norway papers ( Norway plate number and also Norway certificate which means in case we will close the deal, You won't have to pay any import taxes). The car has all the Norway taxes paid.

If You are interested in buying the car, the total price including the transport taxes to The Netherlands country and also the transfer of the propriety onto your name is 50.000 Kr. I know that the price is under the market price, but it is a fair price considering my situation. As I am very busy with my new job ( I am lawyer ) I can not come to The Netherlands to sell the car there, I prefer to sell the car at a lower price then the market price and close the deal in one of the following ways:

1- The first option would be through a transport company ( they will transport the car and also handle the money / a company that ensures safety for buyer and seller at the same time ). After consulting with some friends, it seems that this is the best way to complete an Internet transaction. The name of the transport company that I prefer to use is Euro Alliance. This is one of the largest transport companies in Europe and they deliver the product directly to buyer's address. The services that they are providing are very safe for both of us. Using this type of company will give You the chance to inspect the car before I receive the payment for it. Through this company it will take maximum 5 business days to have the car delivered to The Netherlands and the car will come with 10 Days Return policy ( In case the car won't meet your conditions You have the right to return it without paying any taxes and your money will be refunded to You immediately).

2- The second option is for You to come to Middlesbrough, United Kingdom and complete the transaction in person by paying cash.

That's all I can say for the moment, but if You are interested in having more information about the transaction or the car I would be glad to reply with more information.

With Respect,

Michael Semsch !

77 Kader Avenue

Middlesbrough Cleveland TS5 8NH

United Kingdom"

Samme fyren som har lagt ut denne:


Først lå den ute til 50k.. Sendte mail, og fikk svar på engelsk av en som heter michael semsch..


I am sorry that I am not writing You in Norway language because I do not speak it very well and it is better to write in English. If You are having problems understanding my message, don't hesitate to contact me but I hope the details I am giving will be easily understood.

The car is in great working condition, has no scratches or dents, never been involved in any kind of accidents and also the car interior is impeccable ( I do not smoke ). The engine works perfectly, all the services were done to at an authorised service. I can ensure You that the car is full operational. You can also see in the photos I have posted that the car is in perfect condition.

I bought this car from The Netherlands at the same time when I bought a holiday house there. Due to some financial problems I am having I had to sell the holiday house a few months ago. I did not manage to sell the car too when I sold the house because I did not have a lot of time at my disposal so I decided to take the car with me in England and try to sell it here in England. At this time the car is located in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom same place where me and my family live.

I have tried to sell it in here, but it is very difficult to sell it due to the fact that it has the steering wheel on the left side ( in England the cars have the steering wheel on the right side ). I also tried to sell it to a local dealer but the price that they are offering to me is too low. I have decided to sell the car to a Norway person because the car is still registered in The Netherlands and has Norway papers ( Norway plate number and also Norway certificate which means in case we will close the deal, You won't have to pay any import taxes). The car has all the Norway taxes paid.

If You are interested in buying the car, the total price including the transport taxes to The Netherlands country and also the transfer of the propriety onto your name is 50.000 Kr. I know that the price is under the market price, but it is a fair price considering my situation. As I am very busy with my new job ( I am lawyer ) I can not come to The Netherlands to sell the car there, I prefer to sell the car at a lower price then the market price and close the deal in one of the following ways:

1- The first option would be through a transport company ( they will transport the car and also handle the money / a company that ensures safety for buyer and seller at the same time ). After consulting with some friends, it seems that this is the best way to complete an Internet transaction. The name of the transport company that I prefer to use is Euro Alliance. This is one of the largest transport companies in Europe and they deliver the product directly to buyer's address. The services that they are providing are very safe for both of us. Using this type of company will give You the chance to inspect the car before I receive the payment for it. Through this company it will take maximum 5 business days to have the car delivered to The Netherlands and the car will come with 10 Days Return policy ( In case the car won't meet your conditions You have the right to return it without paying any taxes and your money will be refunded to You immediately).

2- The second option is for You to come to Middlesbrough, United Kingdom and complete the transaction in person by paying cash.

That's all I can say for the moment, but if You are interested in having more information about the transaction or the car I would be glad to reply with more information.

With Respect,

Michael Semsch !

77 Kader Avenue

Middlesbrough Cleveland TS5 8NH

United Kingdom"

fikk samme mail som svar jeg å


Sendte mail på en X5 som lå ganske billig.

Faen for noe tull! Spurte om registrerings nummeret, fikk som svar:


The car plate number is: PP 65112

As I am not a Norwegian citizen, when I bought the car I had to register it under my sister's husband name which is a Norwegian citizen. So the car was bought under his name but I am legally authorized to sell it due to an empowerment document made in a Norwegian notary office. Anyway I am the owner of the car and I am legally selling it.

Let me explain to you how the transaction works. Please read it well and after that contact me if you want to proceed with the transaction.

As mentioned in my previous message, the car is located in Bristol, United Kingdom. ( The car is currently placed into the transport company custody ). I left it there because if we understand to close the deal this company will take care of all the shipping arrangements, including to make the transfer of propriety onto your name to The Norwegian Consulate from United Kingdom. It is much easier for me to use the services that this company is offering because they will take care of all the paper work, including to make the contract of sale between You and me. The name of the transport company is Cargo Transport. Their Web home page is:............... . Using this type of company will give You the chance to inspect the car before I receive the payment for it. Click on the links below to see The Transaction Steps and also How they work

I will also try to explain step by step how we will close the transaction through this company:

* 1. First of all and most important, if You agree to close the deal, You will have to send me Your shipping information ( Your full name and address / contact phone number and if available also a fax number ).

- After I receive Your shipping information, I will contact the transport company and make the shipping reservation onto Your name and with your shipping address as the intended receiver. Then I will go to their office to make the transfer of the propriety onto your name. The transfer of the propriety will be done to The Norwegian Consulate from Bristol by a legal attorney that works for the transport company and I will support the taxes for making the transfer of propriety onto your name.

* 2. You will receive a notification from the transport company as a confirmation that the car is in their custody, that the car has been inspected and that I have signed for the transfer of the ownership documents to your name.

- After that, You will have to send the payment to the transport company. ( The transport company will ask You to send only a deposit amount in advance in order to let the car be shipped / not the entire amount that we are dealing for / and the balance amount will be paid upon car arrival ).

- The transport company will verify the payment, and if everything is in order, they will start the shipment and the car will be delivered to your door step in 5 business days. The payment is sent to the transport company and not to me directly. The payment will be forwarded to me only after You receive the car and confirm that You accept it.

- After You will receive the car and You will be completely satisfied with it, You will instruct the transport company with your decision.

* 3. The car will come with 10 days Return Policy ( Period to inspect the car condition and if by any reason You won't be satisfied, You will be fully refunded within 24 hours). If by any reason, You will not be satisfied with the product, You will return the car to the transport company with no expense. ( I will support all the returning taxes ). The return policy is like a warranty that the car is exactly as I described it and it will be provided by me in association with the transport company.

If You agree to close the deal then send me the information I requested from You above and in maximum 48 hours all arrangements will be done.

Thank You in advance!


ja okei, så det er slik å forstå at hvis man ikke er fornøyd (noe som fort kan skje på en usett bil) så tar han altså bilen gladelig tilbake til england og betaler for alt...jada...okei...værste av alt er at det er mange som går på dette, for med første øyekast så virker det jo veldig serriøst mtp. formulering og ordbruk..men vi vet bedre.

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