Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 I was at the track today and it was loads of fun. We used some time setting up the car and measuring the temp across the tire. We adjusted the camber and ended up with 3,5 degrees on the left and 1,5 on the right. This gave almost identical temp across the tires. The rear camber was fine stock. This track has most turns to the right therefor the difference. The first thing you should get if you track your car is camber/caster plates, it makes such a big difference. We also raised the car 1,5cm front and back cause the tracks in Norway are not smooth.. The car performed perfect and the brakes was incredible, and it was one of the fastest cars there. A guy with a 600whp skyline I passed wondered what I had done to the engine, it's stock I said... He could almost not belive it. But the grip and brake performance was insane, I could pass cars on the inside outside everywhere, it was fun Some pictures and a video!
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Was at Vålerbanen racetrack today and it was lots of fun! Car was perfect all day. But I need some forced induction to keep up with the high powered cars on the straight...
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Was out driving and taking some pictures with Per and his Cobra
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Per driving and me taking pics. Per got a bit carried away and drove really fast, making it hard for me to capture the car with my camera... But some came out alright.
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Look at the car on the left, same stripes..hehe
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Was up at 4 o'clock in the morning to polish the car before the BMW Car club of Norway meeting... At the meeting. I got 3 place in the modified class They said I would have had a chance for the 1 place if the interior was finished. So I will try again next year. And look, I finally got the BMW trunk emblem mounted. I used the smaller emblem from the cabrio cause it was the only emblem that fit this type of CSL trunk. Was out taking some pics at night in Oslo.
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Here are some pics of the rear leather seats. The interior is soon finished now, just missing some small pieces and the suede door panels.
Jeppe Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Bilen er nå parkert for vinteren og vinterbil kjøpt inn;) Hadde ikke samvittighet til å kjøre denne i snø og salt. Er noen smådetaljer som gjenstår, men de skal komme på plass før våren kommer. Det neste nå er å få montert enten kompressor eller turbo slik at jeg ikke blir frakjørt på langsidene mer;)
CS Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Skrevet Oktober 28, 2009 Har lest hele tråden på e46fanatics tidligere. Må bare si at det er ett fantastisk byggverk. BIlen ble helt perfekt. Jeg stemmer for kompressor.
sector59 Skrevet Oktober 29, 2009 Skrevet Oktober 29, 2009 porno Har du fått dette godkjent? Trodde ikke dette gikk på e46 pga forskjell på seienr osv? eller?
Lars89 Skrevet Oktober 29, 2009 Skrevet Oktober 29, 2009 Da var denne kommet til bimmers også ja. Herlig prosjekt! Utrolig deilig å se at noen orker å gjøre ting SÅ gjennomført som du gjør! Detaljene og custom-arbeidet på denne bilen er ikke annet enn imponerende Tvangsmaten vil virkelig bli krona på verket. Go for it!
bmwkizn Skrevet Oktober 29, 2009 Skrevet Oktober 29, 2009 Råeste BMW sedanen jeg noen gang har sett ihvertfall. Imponerende bygg. Gratulerer
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