Part 34521138219 (CONTROL UNIT ABS) was found on the following vehicles:
E36: Details on E36
E36 M3 Coupe, Europe
E36 M3 Sedan, Europe
E36 M3 Convertible, Europe
Part 34520026619 (Rmfd control unit ABS) was found on the following vehicles:
E36: Details on E36
E36 316i Sedan, Europe
E36 316i Coupe, Europe
E36 316i 1.6 Compact, Europe
E36 318i Convertible, Europe
E36 318i Sedan, Europe
E36 318is Sedan, Europe
E36 318is Coupe, Europe
E36 320i Convertible, Europe
E36 320i Sedan, Europe
E36 320i Coupe, Europe
E36 325i Convertible, Europe
E36 325i Sedan, Europe
E36 325i Coupe, Europe
E36 325td Sedan, Europe
E36 325tds Sedan, Europe
Så jeg har feil styringsboks da, siden min har 34.52-1 138 219 å det er egentlig til M3