Hei folkens!
Jeg la ut bilen min for salg her om dagen, plutselig var det en engelskmann som tok kontakt(copy paster det han har skrevet så dere får se)
thanks for your fast response i lived in oslo before but just moved out of the country ...... like i said i am interested in your product and i am willing to pay you your asking price, and i would want an immediate purchase for the car .i wouldn't be able to come for inspection as I'm an oceanist,and i work on the sea sailing,I can only pay through PAYEX ESCROW PAYMENT online at the moment as I do not have access to any other payment method.....all I will need is your bank account number to do that, but first I will like to have new pictures engine part(not the ones in the listing) so i can be sure i am buying a real stuff and then i can log into my bank website online to transfer the money in your account. Also note that i will have a pick up agent that will come for the pick up after payment has been sorted.
kan dette være et forsøk på å svindle meg?
Jeg skrev videre at jeg ikke var så gira på å levere ut kontonr etc til en fremmed utlenning, og om han kunne gi meg noen garanti.
fikk da til svar:
jeg spurte deretter om han ikke kunne komme med penger da han hentet bilen, fikk da til svar:
no because i am presently on sea.
figures da han skulle sende en "agent" for å hente bilen.. så sa en kompis at jeg skulle få "låne" hans paypal account, så da skrev jeg videre "hvorfor" skal du kjøpe en norsk bil? og at jeg fikk låne en account.
as soon as payment has been made i will send my pick up agent to comepick the car up car is being shipped to denmark for my dad so it sortsme to buy it in Norway...........okay..get back to me with the paypalaccount as soon as possible thanks
Er dette et forsøk på svindel?
Takker for svar folkens!