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vy1autas's Achievements

  1. ecu 0261200402
  2. hi, bmw 320i ecu for sale (chiped) gi bud
  3. if your diff have 6 bolts to side ball bearings you have 188diff, if 4 then 168 diff if 8 bolts then you have 210 diff. in picture I not see all bolts but i looks 210 diff you have the diff ratio you can count by rotating the shaft ant count how many turns it does
  4. for sale e36 1.8is pistonsand rods and +new goetze rings. also m50b25 pistons and rods All can sell seperate give offer for price trømso can write sms in Norwegian language 99213231
  5. this big thing you men't is called trigger wheel it is screwed to crankshaft with big bolt, the small crews it is used for serpentine belt pulley which is screwed to a trigger wheel, and when you remove trigger wheel you must looking that you not loose splint, by turning crank that splint is on top I don that 2 weeks ago with my m50b30 project and you can see in picture that is no chance by opening only small screws
  6. this probably detonation, can be for using not right spark plugs (to hot), low octane fuel, bad injectors or filter (goes lean mixtures), also if it comes to much carbon on pistons then it comes higher compression which is perfect for detonation
  7. no because m52 is with vanos, and is all different like air mas sensor and all other things
  8. for loosing triger wheel you must lose big bolt in center off trigger wheel thread screwing is normal direction
  9. I had same problem, also changed to a new camshaft sensor from ebay and nothing changed, but when i buyed new orginal from bmw than oll problems was gone
  10. hi for sale for dors for e30 sedan gi bud
  11. 500 kr for 6 ny tennplugger
  12. hi maybe someone has to offer BMW E30 51mm front struts?
  13. yes for some cars not all
  14. if somebody interested it is possible that I can make chip for some of the other cars also
  15. aprox 15 to 20 hp
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