ahj Skrevet August 9, 2011 Skrevet August 9, 2011 Selger sprint booster som passer BMW med manuell. Kan hende den passer på automat også. Den er bare tatt ut av esken, aldri brukt før. Selges for 2300,- eller bud
///FredriK.S Skrevet August 9, 2011 Skrevet August 9, 2011 mer infomasjon om produktet? Hva er det er for noe?
badsha Skrevet August 9, 2011 Skrevet August 9, 2011 har akkuratt d samme på min bil. anbefales på det sterkeste... helt sykt at du ikke gidder å montere det på din egen E90 318d!
///FredriK.S Skrevet August 9, 2011 Skrevet August 9, 2011 Dette passer vel kun til bmw med elektronisk gasspedal?
KristianRudi Skrevet August 9, 2011 Skrevet August 9, 2011 Dette passer vel kun til bmw med elektronisk gasspedal? Ja. Den skal monteres på kontakten til gasspedalen, så har ikke mye annet valg blir ett slags mellomstykke mellom pedal og orig kontakt videre. Har hørt mye bra om dette produktet, og vurderer å kjøpe meg ett selv. Hørt om mange som er fornøyd.
ahj Skrevet August 9, 2011 Forfatter Skrevet August 9, 2011 Dette passer vel kun til bmw med elektronisk gasspedal? Ja. Den skal monteres på kontakten til gasspedalen, så har ikke mye annet valg blir ett slags mellomstykke mellom pedal og orig kontakt videre. Har hørt mye bra om dette produktet, og vurderer å kjøpe meg ett selv. Hørt om mange som er fornøyd. Da er det bare å slå til Prisen er diskuter bare seff
ahj Skrevet August 9, 2011 Forfatter Skrevet August 9, 2011 har akkuratt d samme på min bil. anbefales på det sterkeste... helt sykt at du ikke gidder å montere det på din egen E90 318d! Hei, jeg hadde tenkt å montere den. Prøvde en kompis sin, men muttern bruker bilen noen ganger, så da ble det ikke noe
Morbus Skrevet August 13, 2011 Skrevet August 13, 2011 Står jo nøyaktig hva det er, en bmw sprint booster, googler du det så finner du ut at dette: 'Sprint Booster makes your car 'feel' more powerful' - let's see why... Faster Throttle Response Sprint Booster makes your car's throttle respond faster to your foot. As a result, your gas pedal actually achieves a full throttle response 25% sooner than the stock configuration. Even if you have a 'sport' button, Sprint Booster will quicken the throttle response time. By making the throttle respond faster to your input, you will feel as though your car has more muscle than it really does! enlarge graph • Sprint Booster does not increase Horsepower. • Sprint Booster does not reduce your 0-60mph times. • Sprint Booster DOES make your car 'FEEL' faster. • Sprint Booster is not for everyone. How It Works Sprint Booster modifies the signal between the accelerator pedal module and the electronic throttle body. This modified signal forces the throttle body to open 'more' than the stock signal at a given pedal position. In effect, the idle-to-full-throttle pedal travel is reduced. This makes your car 'feel' more powerful because a given pedal input produces greater throttle opening. This is especially evident in the low to mid rpm range where most cars spend their time on the street. Sprint Booster simply modifies the throttle signal between the accelerator pedal and the throttle body. Big deal right? Keep in mind, this is the same concept as the 'throttle pulley' modification on cable based throttle systems - which was very popular in it's time. It doesn't add horsepower, but makes the throttle more sensitive and makes the car 'feel' faster. It doesn't matter if you have a Sport Mode, ECU software, or 'Chip' on your car, Sprint Booster works independently of other modifications. It simply makes the throttle more sensitive, making the car 'feel' faster. Is Sprint Booster for everyone? Of course not, no performance product ever is. If you have a track car where you spend most of your time near redline, Sprint Booster is not for you - Sprint Booster benefits are felt in the low to mid pedal travel. Some people don't like the fact that Sprint Booster reaches full throttle before full pedal travel - if you routinely mash the throttle to the floor, Sprint Booster may not be for you. Sprint Booster is most effective in the low to mid rpm range, which is where most 'street' cars are driven on a daily basis. Yes, you may need to adjust your driving style after installing Sprint Booster - but that is a short learning curve. Sprint Booster will put the 'fun' back into your daily drive. Sprint Booster is simple but effective - it makes the car more responsive and thus more 'fun'! This is why the product carries a 30-day money back guarantee!!! Sprint Booster installs in minutes, and is easily removable. Plug-n-Play performance! Just try it! Make your daily drive more 'fun'.
Lamek Skrevet August 13, 2011 Skrevet August 13, 2011 Står jo nøyaktig hva det er, en bmw sprint booster, googler du det så finner du ut at dette: 'Sprint Booster makes your car 'feel' more powerful' - let's see why... Faster Throttle Response Sprint Booster makes your car's throttle respond faster to your foot. As a result, your gas pedal actually achieves a full throttle response 25% sooner than the stock configuration. Even if you have a 'sport' button, Sprint Booster will quicken the throttle response time. By making the throttle respond faster to your input, you will feel as though your car has more muscle than it really does! enlarge graph • Sprint Booster does not increase Horsepower. • Sprint Booster does not reduce your 0-60mph times. • Sprint Booster DOES make your car 'FEEL' faster. • Sprint Booster is not for everyone. How It Works Sprint Booster modifies the signal between the accelerator pedal module and the electronic throttle body. This modified signal forces the throttle body to open 'more' than the stock signal at a given pedal position. In effect, the idle-to-full-throttle pedal travel is reduced. This makes your car 'feel' more powerful because a given pedal input produces greater throttle opening. This is especially evident in the low to mid rpm range where most cars spend their time on the street. Sprint Booster simply modifies the throttle signal between the accelerator pedal and the throttle body. Big deal right? Keep in mind, this is the same concept as the 'throttle pulley' modification on cable based throttle systems - which was very popular in it's time. It doesn't add horsepower, but makes the throttle more sensitive and makes the car 'feel' faster. It doesn't matter if you have a Sport Mode, ECU software, or 'Chip' on your car, Sprint Booster works independently of other modifications. It simply makes the throttle more sensitive, making the car 'feel' faster. Is Sprint Booster for everyone? Of course not, no performance product ever is. If you have a track car where you spend most of your time near redline, Sprint Booster is not for you - Sprint Booster benefits are felt in the low to mid pedal travel. Some people don't like the fact that Sprint Booster reaches full throttle before full pedal travel - if you routinely mash the throttle to the floor, Sprint Booster may not be for you. Sprint Booster is most effective in the low to mid rpm range, which is where most 'street' cars are driven on a daily basis. Yes, you may need to adjust your driving style after installing Sprint Booster - but that is a short learning curve. Sprint Booster will put the 'fun' back into your daily drive. Sprint Booster is simple but effective - it makes the car more responsive and thus more 'fun'! This is why the product carries a 30-day money back guarantee!!! Sprint Booster installs in minutes, and is easily removable. Plug-n-Play performance! Just try it! Make your daily drive more 'fun'. Greit å lage en utfyllende anonnse slig at man slipper å google for å finne uta hva det er som selges. Henviser til denne linken: viewtopic.php?t=4077
ahj Skrevet August 13, 2011 Forfatter Skrevet August 13, 2011 Beklager lamek. Skulle egentlig ha skrevet om produktet, men jeg trodde alle noe kunnskap om dette. Pjukern takk for infoen.
Lamek Skrevet August 13, 2011 Skrevet August 13, 2011 Beklager lamek. Skulle egentlig ha skrevet om produktet, men jeg trodde alle noe kunnskap om dette. Pjukern takk for infoen. Er ikke meningen å være pirkete, men det kommer ut en del meningsløe anonnser her til tider og som VELDIG aktiv bruker blir det irriterende til tider:) Lykke til med salg. Fungerer sikkert fint det der:)
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