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RIXCAR's Achievements

  1. This restoration of PONTIAC FIREBIRD FORMULA 400 was done by RIXCAR, a old-school vehicle painting and restoration workshop located in Riga, Latvia. Company has eight year experience in car restoration, Within the restoration process we use the highest quality environmentally friendly materials to ensure excellent results. The workshop is equipped with modern technologies which allows us to carry out custom projects of any difficulty. This is how this old-school car looked like when the car arrived to Rixcar workshop At the beginning of restoration process Old paint was taken off to a bare metal to ensure the best adhesion for the new materials. Also, the actual condition of the body as well as the severity of rust damage can only be determined after removal of the old paint. All the damaged and hard-to-reach areas were sandblasted. Some places had a really severe rust damage. Both rocker panels were rotten, there were rust holes on both rear corners near the taillight mounts as well as on the windshield sill. We cut out all the rusted parts and welded all places where it was necessary, most of the replacement parts were made by hand. All the inside cavities were sandblasted and epoxy-primed. The fiberglass good and rear spoiler also needed some adjustments. The Hand-made part fits perfectly. After the welding process the car is being prepared for painting. We painted Formula in a very eye catching golden color. This paint contains a huge amount of golden pearls ensuring a very pleasant shine in a sunny weather. After all the parts were painted, they were polished and the car was assembled. There were some technical maintenance works that had to be done before returning the car to the client. And here is the final product. The Pontiac Firebird Formula is ready to see the sunlight Feel free to take a look at RIXCAR -Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Rixcar?fref=ts -Home page: www.rixcar.lv -And follow us on Instagram: Rixcar
  2. RIXCAR is a car restoration and painting workshop in Latvia, capital city Riga. Company has seven years experience in car restoration processes, at the moment there are 14 employees in RIXCAR and each of them is master in his field. The main focus areas of our work are: -Car body repairs and painting -Classic car restoration Within the restoration process we use the highest quality environmentally friendly materials to ensure excellent results. The workshop is equipped with modern technologies which allows us to carry out custom projects of any difficulty. After we see the condition of the car and we do everything we can to manage work processes smarter, to keep within the agreed price or decrease it by doing things differently and to be more innovative and creative so there would be less risks of unplanned expenses. We offer different kinds of ways to get everything done + we stand by our performance. We are able to provide numerous references from our customers from Nordic countries. We can also assist you with transporting your car to our workshop. Our projects can be seen here: www.facebook.com/rixcar www.rixcar.lv www.instagram.com/rixcar Contacts: Phone: +371 26414411 E-mail: info@rixcar.lv Car arrive to Rixcar for restoration. To start restoration process we removed old paint from the body, to make sure there is not any rust under it We cut out all the rusted parts and welded all the places where it was necessary, some of them was made by hand Car painting process, we use the highest quality environmentally friendly materials to ensure excellent results. Car after painting process
  3. This is a story about restoration that was done by RIXCAR, a vehicle painting and restoration workshop located in Riga, Latvia. Our previous projects include such cars as BMW E24 M6, Ford Thunderbird, Studebaker Golden Hawk and many other American and European classics. Here You can see body restoration process of 1972 Buick Skylark GS Convertible that was brought to us from Norway. The car wasn't in it's worst shape when arrived. It looked visually good from a distance but had a plenty of imperfections when inspected more closely - such as filler cracks, rust and uneven gaps between parts. The process starts by inspection - evaluating the condition of car and disassembling it. First, we removed all the body trim and started stripping off the old paint. It is a common thing to encounter unpleasant surprises during this stage of restoration. This time - both rear fenders were basically made out of putty. Also, some of the body panels were warped and the shape was given using filler putty. For example, the trunk lid. This is how it looked without paint and body filler. We continued disassembling the car by removing the convertible roof and interior. It is obvious, that body panel gap adjustments had to be done. All the parts are marked during disassembling process to save the assembling time afterwards. After removing old paint and filler materials, we sandblasted all the hard-to-reach and rust damaged areas. Then treated the whole body with epoxy primer to avoid rust appearance on bare metal during restoration works. And all the areas that needed welding or straightening were marked. As you can see, the trunk lid was in a really bad shape. The front grille had lost some pieces during the years and had to be restored. Doors had rust damage which we cut out and replaced by a patch that was fabricated from multiple pieces. Also, the inside of door was sandblasted and primed with epoxy primer to avoid further rust appearance. We leaded because it is more durable than using filler putty. The front left corner of body under front fender was rusted through all tree layers of metal. All the layers were cut out. Damaged areas sandblasted and primed. We fabricate new patches not only to recover original shape of body, but also the functionality. The panel under the front windshield was also rusted through and had to be replaced by hand made fragments. After the body works were finished, the car was being prepared for painting. Fist comes a layer of spray putty to smooth out all of the small imperfections of metal. After the layer of putty is sanded and the final shape of body is achieved, comes a layer of primer. Then, to ensure the body had the right shape and smoothness, we covered the whole car with a layer of acrylic black test paint which highlights all the irregularities. In this case everything was done right and no additional adjustments were needed. After ensuring the quality of all the parts, the car was left in a warm place for all materials to sit, after which final preparation works are being done and the car is painted. In a cloudy weather this new paint looks black, but when the sun starts shining, purple metallic particles enrich the paint. The assembling process could now begin. During assembling process we treated all the internal cavities with anti-rust materials. There were few dust particles in the clear coat so we inspected the whole body and cut all the particles out. When the body and interior were fully assembled, it was time to do some testing. And after some final polishing the car was ready to meet it's owner. The car was placed on a trailer and safely brought back to Norway. The body restoration and painting process took over 4 months. Also, here is a short video with an insight into the restoration process and feedback from our client about this Buick. Hopefully this material was inspiring and interesting, more projects coming soon. Meanwhile feel free to take a look at our Facebook page or homepage to see other projects.
  4. Visit Riga. Visit RIXCAR. If you wish to see our workshop and the beauty of Riga city, check out our new video.
  5. This paint job was done by RIXCAR, a vehicle painting and restoration workshop located in Riga, Latvia. Our previous projects include such cars as BMW E24 M6, Ford Thunderbird, Studebaker Golden Hawk and many other American and European classics. To see other projects, take a look at the RIXCAR Facebook page or homepage. We have recently finished another great BMW E30 project. E30 is a car that looks fantastic when it is brought to perfection and that was our goal. This particular car was a 1987 model with a 168 horsepower m20b25 engine and ran great. The BMW was not in it’s worst shape, however the body was slightly twisted, had some rust damage and dents and needed treatment. The interior was taken out to evaluate the condition of E30's body. Then different body parts were disassembled and prepared for painting separately. Then all the rusted areas were cut out and patches were welded in. All the little dents were mechanically straightened, rust spots cleaned and treated. After that all body imperfections were smoothed out with a thin layer of putty. The putty must be sandpapered till a perfect smoothness not to leave any unwanted marks on the new paint. After all the dents on this E30 were straightened and sandpapered, the car was ready for the paint job. All the body was treated with a high-end anti-rust materials. The first layer is epoxy primer which will protect the body from any further rust damages. The second is a primer layer that ensures a good coupling between the body and paint. The priming stage is followed by layers of fresh and shiny Zinnoberrot color and clear coat to protect the new paint. Then the assembly process could begin. E30 is a rather simple car so there were no problems in finding the right place for all the wires. Fresh paint really enhances the lines of this car. After some polishing and final touch-ups the car was finished. We also equipped this E30 with original M-Tech II body kit. Of course all the black plastic parts such as the front grill were re-painted. Also new Klutch SL1 black wheels were installed. Hopefully this material was inspiring and interesting, more projects coming soon. Meanwhile feel free to take a look at our Facebook page or homepage to see other painting, restoration and exhaust tuning projects.
  6. A new project from RIXCAR: Mercedes-Benz W123C restoration And the BMW E24 M6 video:
  7. RIXCAR car restoration workshop is located in Riga - the capital of Latvia. The company has seven year experience in car restoration processes, at the moment there are 14 employees in RIXCAR and each of them is a master in his field. The main focus areas are: -car body repairs and painting -classic car restoration -exhaust system tuning When the car came to RIXCAR workshop, it was an old bird without thunder in its soul - the look of the car was not as good as it deserves. So our task was to reunite this birdie with thunder by restoring its bodywork. In the following writeup you will get a deeper insight in the process and obstacles we had to deal within the project. Hopefully the owner and everyone reading this post will appreciate the work. This is how the car looked when it arrived. Of course, a classic car always looks good, but this car screams for freshness and care. To start the restoration process all the body parts were removed. For the best possible paintwork quality, the old paint was removed to bare metal. By doing this it is possible to ensure that none of the old materials make any unnecessary surprises. When the paint was removed, hidden rust mischief was found. The rusted areas were cut out and replaced by new metal fragments. At this point it was ensured that all the surfaces are as smooth as possible to minimize the need for putty. When preparing the body for painting, only A class materials were used to ensure the car looks excellent once painted. Painting always is the turning point where exciting makeover can be seen. Assembling the car to help it obtain its youthful look... And here the Tbird is ready to hit the road and to be returned to its owner, but with a new, worthy look. Hopefully it was an interesting reading material. More updates coming soon... Meanwhile feel free to take a look at other restoration projects at http://www.rixcar.lv or http://www.facebook.com/rixcar.
  8. This restoration was done by RIXCAR, a vehicle workshop located in Riga, Latvia. Our previous projects include such cars as BMW E24 M6, Ford Thunderbird, Studebaker Golden Hawk and many other American and European classics. To see these, take a look at RIXCAR Facebook page or homepage. This time around, we are working on something different than our usual old-school classics - a BMW E39 530d that we use for our service needs. Anyway, we think this write-up might be interesting for many readers. When the Beemer arrives at the workshop it’s looking quite sad, but mechanically the car is rather sound; the engine and running gear have been regularly maintained and are in good condition. The fully-loaded interior and electronic package are all in perfectly working condition as well. For the most part, it is the state of the body that is letting it down. All in all, the car is ready to be brought back to its former glory. Rust damage is quite severe, the rocker panels and rear fenders have rusted the most. Rest of the body suffers from peeling clearcoat. Work starts by repairing the damaged body panels, such as the front bumper and preparing the removable parts for painting to get them out of the way early on. Work on the thoroughly rotten rocker panels and wheel arches has begun. The damaged panels are removed altogether in order to be replaced by panels in superior condition lifted off a non-runner. New rear fender in its place, primed and sanded. Body is being prepared for a respray. A coat of color reminiscent to the original will be applied, mixed locally in the paint mixing chamber. The car sits patiently in the spray booth, waiting for the final session of the whole process to begin. The pigment has been applied prior to clearcoat. Forged wheels on for size, 18'' (ET20, J10 at the rear) MK Motorsports MK1s in their original state, but soon to be refurbished and resprayed after a color has been settled on after several experiments to see what would look best. The wheels have been stripped from paint and are being prepped for a fresh coat for the spokes, the lip is to be brushed. All done and ready to be mounted on the 5er, along with new tyres, 235/40/R18 for the front, 265/35/R18 for the rear. And here it is, our BMW 530d, all fresh and quite surely looking much like it would have back in 2001. If you want to see other interesting projects visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Rixcar or homepage =http://www.rixcar.lv/ If you have any questions you can contact us by email: Reinis@rixcar.lv
  9. Previously we published a writeup about BMW E24 M6, now it is time for an American classic. This is how the car looked when it first arrived at RIXCAR workshop. In general the car was in average condition, there was comparatively little rust, however the body was not straight, therefore a lot of putty has been used during previous body repairs. The beginning - starting to remove the old paint and putty. There was a lot of putty under the paint. Most of the paint has been stripped. The paint and putty in hard-to-reach areas is removed with sand blast Finish! All the paint and putty has been removed from the car body. The next step is to straighten the body. The body has been primed. The car body has been painted black as it is easier to identify any possible car body drawbacks or to ensure that there are none. The car body was prepared well and the car has already got the final paint layer. Details... The car is being assembled back together. A new roof is being installed. And another awesome project has come to an end! Hopefully this was an interesting material
  10. Riga and classic values goes hand in hand. Beautiful architecture and beautiful girls are very common in Latvia. Classic and beauty are almost synonyms, especially here in Riga – the capital of Latvia. One may ask, where does the secret of beauty lie? What distinguishes classic from just old? Precise work and paying attention to details is the answer. At RIXCAR we love everything that has tires and a motor. Everything that's classic. Everything with story behind Car restoration for us is a hobby that has become a successful business. Our main focus areas are: - car body repairs and painting - classic car restoration Our workshop is a place for real petrolheads and enthusiasts who value excellent craftsmanship. The company has seven year experience in car restoration processes. Each of our 14 employees is a master in his field, specializing in classic cars. Within the restoration process we use the highest quality materials to ensure excellent results. The workshop is equipped with technologies which allows us to carry out custom projects of any difficulty, for example bending from scratch car body panel of any shape. We always give rough idea of the final price, after we see the condition of the car and we do everything we can to manage work processes smarter, to keep within the agreed price or decrease it by doing things differently and to be more innovative so there would be less risks of unplanned expenses. We are able to provide numerous references from our customers from Nordic countries. If you’re a dedicated purist who desires only the best or you have just been searching for restoration company to give your car a fresh new look - you have found the right place. When a classic is restored to this level, it’s primed for show time. Our projects can be seen here: facebook page RIXCAR homepage Contacts: Reinis Jansons Phone: +371 26414411 E-mail: reinis@rixcar.lv
  11. RIXCAR car restoration workshop is located in Riga - the capital of Latvia. The company has seven year experience in car restoration processes, at the moment there are 14 employees in RIXCAR and each of them is a master in his field. The main focus areas are: -car body repairs and painting -classic car restoration -exhaust system tuning . This will be a little bigger poster from us, but it might be quite interesting reading material. So we have got a BMW M6 E24 here. Our aim was to restore the bodywork. The place where everything happened: RIXCAR So, when the car arrived, its condition was not very good. The body was damaged and there were a lot of rust. To start the restoration process, we removed all the lights, bumpers, etc. We cut out all the rusted parts and fitted the new ones. We welded all the places where it was necessary. Car's front corners after welding. The corner is hand made. The car is ready for painting Here we see the body after the primer base coat is applied. Body panels have been fitted to see if they match. There is a long story about the front fenders. Since it is close to impossible to find new fenders, we managed to get fenders made from fiber glass. During the time when the car and panels were prepared for painting, we fabricated brand new Magnaflow exhaust system. The car after painting process. After that we started to put the parts together: interior, overfenders, bumpers, body panels and many other parts. Then we drove the car outside to wash off all the dust. After a short while the coilovers arrived, special thanks to ADparts.eu. Then the windows were put back and we started fitting the coilovers. To put back the coilovers, steering knuckles had to be modified. The back of the car will be lowered more and the comfort springs will be removed. Moldings and bumpers were fitted. The car is getting back it’s original look. Our BMW M6 E24 is almost finished The rear bumper still needs to be adjusted. Lights and the whole car are not yet polished. The front chrome molding and fog lights will be fitted by the car owner himself. In these photos you can see the BBS RK 8,5j et15 wheels. The car is traveling back to Norway. Final pictures from harbour: The car has been returned to the owner, this project is finished. We hope that it was interesting to read and to see the pictures from the process. Our other projects can be seen here: www.facebook.com/rixcar www.rixcar.lv Contacts: Reinis Jansons Phone: +371 26414411 E-mail: reinis@rixcar.lv
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