Hakfla Skrevet Oktober 15, 2015 Skrevet Oktober 15, 2015 Hei Jeg har byttet ut front høyttalerene mine med focal plug&play, men det spillet ikke mye bedre. Har base stereo i bilen, så lurte på om det hjelpte og kode den om til HIFI? Er det noen i bergensområdet som kan hjelpe en fortvila bmw eier?[emoji1] Eller hvilken andre muligheter har jeg? Vil ikke begynne mef nor voldsomme endringer, da jeg ikke har så veldig god kunnskap med disse bilene. Takker for alle svar![emoji5]️[emoji106]
Hakfla Skrevet Oktober 17, 2015 Forfatter Skrevet Oktober 17, 2015 Ingen?[emoji137][emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
EspenO Skrevet November 18, 2015 Skrevet November 18, 2015 Sliter med akkurat det samme Det er absolutt ikke lett å kode om den stereoen, lurer på om man må til forhandler.
EspenO Skrevet November 18, 2015 Skrevet November 18, 2015 (endret) Stereoen gir ulikt lydsignal ut, avhengig av om bilen har standard eller hifi høyttalerpakke originalt. Du kan se det i den skjulte menyen på stereoen, den viser lydmodus stereo, hifi eller logic7. Med standardhøyttalerne kutter den de laveste bassfrekvensene for å kompensere for de små høyttalerne. Det går visstnok an å kode om, men er vanskelig å få til med en kinakabel og en laptop Endret November 18, 2015 av EspenO
Otis Skrevet November 18, 2015 Skrevet November 18, 2015 Om Kinakabel virker så virker det. Laptop med ncsexpert så er du i mål. All info ligger i den store diagnose tråden.
EspenO Skrevet November 19, 2015 Skrevet November 19, 2015 I wish! Har prøvd x antall varianter med NCS Expert uten noe hell. Se separat post "Kode om radio..." (skulle limt inn linken, men da krasjer editoren her) Har du en anelse om hvor i den 209 sider lange tråden man finner infoen? Prøvde å google den uten å finne noe.
Otis Skrevet November 19, 2015 Skrevet November 19, 2015 http://bimmers.no/topic/690841-den-store-diagnose-tr%C3%A5den-oppdatert-180313/page-196#entry3060894
bjorneoen Skrevet November 19, 2015 Skrevet November 19, 2015 Null problem å kode om til HiFi, men om lyden blir noe bedre uten en forsterker tviler jeg på. Kinakabel funker fett!
Peak Skrevet November 19, 2015 Skrevet November 19, 2015 Hehe, ja det forklarer noe, men lyden blir nok neppe bedre...
EspenO Skrevet November 19, 2015 Skrevet November 19, 2015 (endret) Som sagt, jeg har prøvd og prøvd. Uten resultat. Lagt til $676 i VO. Tatt FA_WRITE på CAS og NFRM. De korrekte hifi-kodene dukker opp i .prc-filen. SG_CODIEREN på 2RAD funker ikke, får feilmelding. SG_RESET på 2RAD (eller reset i INPA) funker, men stereoen står like forbanna på "stereo" og ikke "hifi" når den kommer opp igjen. Så hvis du har et konkret forslag på fremgangsmåte som funker, bjorneoen, så er jeg VELDIG interessert. Mulig det har noe med daten-filene, skal sjekke om de Otis linker til funker bedre. Ser at folk sliter noe vanvittig med å kode om radioene sine rundt om på nettet. Endret November 19, 2015 av EspenO
quandt1960 Skrevet November 20, 2015 Skrevet November 20, 2015 (endret) Såvidt meg bekjent holder det ikke med noe OBD om du skal kode noe som er del av Most-busen. Da må du ha egen optisk interface. Såvidt jeg husker er all media og tele koblet til MOST bus ringen. Tror du kan gjøre diagnose av MOST via OBD men ikke kode uten MOST optisk interface. Skyt meg om jeg tar feil men mener å erindre det slik http://www.bmwmotorsports.org/BMW_docs/mostbus.pdf Endret November 20, 2015 av KRapp EspenO reagerte på dette 1
Tore Kn Skrevet November 20, 2015 Skrevet November 20, 2015 Her er litt lesestoff om BMW sine stereo-anlegg: E9X Audio BackgroundIntroductionThis document is intended to explain the different audio systems in BMW E90sedans, E91 wagons, E92 coupes, and E93 convertibles. These audio systemsare major departures from the systems in E36 and E46 3-series vehicles, and thepotential for performance is much greater, if one is aware of the system specifics.This document is not intended to advocate any one upgrade path versus another– it is descriptive, not prescriptive. It does not address iDrive features.Notes:- This early version 1.1 is very US-centric and is only thru MY2011.- This early version 1.1 does not attempt to cover M3 systems in depth.A future draft will address these in more detail.- Please pm suggestions to vp electricity on E90post.com.TerminologyBMW uses two different vocabularies to refer to their various audio systems –service terminology, and sales/marketing terminology.From the service side, there is Stereo, Hi-Fi, and Top Hi-Fi.From the sales and marketing side, there is Base Audio, Hi-Fi Audio, andPremium or Logic 7 (starting in 2011, this changes to Premium “harman/kardon”,and Logic 7 becomes only a setting in the harman/kardon system menu).Note: The “Individual” system is available in M3 vehicles, and is availableas a special-order option in non-M E9x vehicles. From a service point ofview, its architecture is identical to the Top Hi-Fi, but different part numberspeakers and amplifiers are used. It is VERY rare in US non-M E9x.Base = StereoHi-Fi = Hi-FiTop HiFi = Premium, Logic 7 or harman/kardon, IndividualThis document uses the service designators for simplicity.V 1.1 Page 2 7/11/2010U.S. Availability in non-M3 E9X vehicles:Model Year Stereo Hi-Fi Top Hi-Fi2006 NA Y Y2007 NA Y Y2008 NA Y Y2009 NA Y Y2010 Y NA Y2011 Y NA YBMW Head UnitsThere are three levels of head unit: Business CD, Professional CD, and iDrive.The Business CD has not been available in the US market as of this date.Either the Professional CD Player or the iDrive system may be present in anyaudio system. That is to say, which head unit is present does not affect whichaudio system is present. A Professional CD Player may be present in a Top HIFi,Logic 7 system, or in a Base Audio, Stereo system.The head unit must be “coded” to operate properly with a given audio system.This will be described in more detail in the System Architecture section.MOSTMOST is a vehicle-specific protocol, which is different from other digital fiberopticstandards such as Toslink. Other devices, such as Sirius tuners, BluetoothM-ULF modules, and iPod interfaces, also exist on this MOST network.The head unit uses MOST to connect to other devices such as Sirius tuners(when external to the head unit), iPod interfaces, and Bluetooth handsfreemodules. In addition, MOST is used only in Top Hi-Fi systems as an audioconnection between the head unit and the amplifier.V 1.1 Page 3 7/11/2010 System Architecture StereoA US-model Stereo system can be easily identified by looking at the top of thedoor panel, inboard of the side mirrors. If there are no tweeter grilles presentthere, the vehicle has Stereo audio.The Stereo system consists of:- A head unit coded to Stereo mode, providing speaker-level analog signals- Front door 4” cone speakers using the standard BMW 3-bolt frame- Rear 4” cone speakers (rear deck, doors, or sides, depending on body)- Underseat 6” cone speakers with 8” frames, inverted-mounted in 8”enclosuresThese speakers are powered by a 4-channel amplifier IC inside the head unit.The iDrive head unit has slightly more power than the Professional CD player,but both are limited in performance and can be thought of as having similaroutput as an aftermarket CD player.To compensate for the lack of tweeters and of larger 8” subwoofers, the headunit front speaker signal is heavily boosted in the bass and treble. Thisequalization curve is fixed at all volume settings.The front 4” door speakers and the underseat 6” speakers are both connected tothe front channels of the head unit output in parallel. The 4” rear speakers areconnected to the rear output channels of the head unit, and that signal iscrossover-filtered within the head unit with a roughly 150 Hz high-pass filter.V 1.1 Page 4 7/11/2010 Hi-FiA Hi-Fi system can be identified by the presence of tweeter grilles at the top ofthe front door, inboard of the sail panels, but without a center channel speaker inthe dashboard, and by simple bass and treble tone controls in the head unit.A Hi-Fi system consists of:- A head unit coded to Hi-Fi mode, sending front and rear balanceddifferentialpreamp-level signals to the Hi-Fi amplifier-- A six-channel amplifier with equalization and crossover filters onboardo 2 front channels, equalized and high-pass filtered at ~ 120 Hzo 2 rear channels, equalized and high-pass filtered at ~ 120 Hzo 2 subwoofer channels equalized and low-pass filtered at ~100 Hz- Front 1” tweeters in mounting trim pieces, with series capacitors- Front 4” midranges in the door (connected in parallel with the tweeters)- Rear 1” tweeters and 4” midranges connected in parallel- Underseat 8” flat woofers in enclosures.The head unit sends analog front and rear analog signals to the Hi-Fi amplifier.These signals are balanced-differential, and have a 5V maximum. They are notprocessed, equalized, or crossover-filtered, other than a slight auto-loudnessfeature which is not objectionable and should not be corrected. The subwooferchannel outputs are derived within the amplifier from these signals.The Hi-Fi amplifier is black in color, and is in the trunk or cargo area on thedriver’s side. In sedans and coupes, the amplifier is under a plastic cover whichsnaps off. In wagons, it is behind the driver’s side rear cargo storage cover, andunder a plastic bolted-on cover.The Hi-Fi Audio system has been called the easiest to upgrade, because thebalanced signal can be used by several good-quality aftermarket amplifiers,because the signal from the head unit is not processed, and because the tweetertrim is already present in the vehicle.The E90/1 has the tweeters in on-axis mounts with some depth behind them. TheE92/3 have the tweeters slightly less on axis, and with no additional depth.V 1.1 Page 5 7/11/2010Top Hi-Fi - Logic 7 or harmon/kardonThe Top Hi-Fi system consists of:- A head unit coded to Top Hi-Fi modeo Sending optical digital audio signals over a MOST fiber-optic cableo Displaying a 7-band user equalizer in its UIo Allowing Logic 7 processing to be turned on and off- A silver Top Hi-Fi amp (same location as Hi-Fi) with MOST fiber-opticinput, 9 channels of processed, equalized, filtered, time-delayed outputo 2 front channelso 2 rear channelso 2 rear effects channelso 2 subwoofer channelso 1 center channel- A pair of front 4” and tweeters, connected in parallel- A pair of rear 4” and tweeters, connected in parallel- A pair of rear 4” effects speakers- A pair of underseat 8” woofers- A single dash-mounted 4” center midrange speakerThe purpose of Logic 7 processing is to create a sense of ambience, and to letboth front-seat passengers have a similar stereo experience. Its effectiveness inthis implementation is not a topic for this document. The technology is from theLexicon division of Harman International, and more on the technology can beread here: http://www.lexicon.com/logic7/index.aspLogic 7 systems use metal-diaphragm drivers. At this time the writer is not awareof the composition of 2011 harman/kardon drivers.Note: When a head unit is coded to Top Hi-Fi mode, its analog outputs areinactive.V 1.1 Page 6 7/11/2010 EspenO og quandt1960 reagerte på dette 2
EspenO Skrevet November 21, 2015 Skrevet November 21, 2015 @KRapp: Det tror jeg nok stemmer, ja. Det er i alle fall en hel del som deler den teorien rundt om på ulike fora @Tore Kn: Glimrende info quandt1960 reagerte på dette 1
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