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  1. Alle? BMW verksteder vil jeg tro. Og mange andre bilverksteder. Dette begynner å komme nå da de fleste bilmerker sliter med at innsugskanaler gror igjen, bensin som diesel. Ikke alle bruker valnøtteskall som blåsemedia, jeg bruker et sett fra Tunap som bruker granulat. https://www.tunap.com/tunap/branches/automotive/valve.php
  2. I 2019 jeg lastet ned denne, muligens nyere utgaver nå
  3. Complaint: Various customer complaints. Rough engine running after a cold start, engine has no power, jerking, does not increase in speed or stops. The emissions warning lamp (MIL) may light up, failed emissions test (AU). The vehicle has increased fuel consumption. The following faults can be stored: 4AD6, 4AF6, 4B16, 4B06, 4AE6, 4B26, 3FF0, 3FF1, 4DFF, 4E09, 4E0E, 4E0F, 4868, 41AB 24C100, 24C200, 24C300, 24C200, 24C500, 24C300, 24C600, 24C400, 24C500, 24C400, 24C600, 24CE00, 24CF00, 253400, 278F00, 279000, 279100, 290B00, 2AB500 Cause Inlet ports on the cylinder head and intake manifold coked.Inlet ports on the cylinder head and intake neck coked The ingress of oil (over the crankcase ventilation) and soot (over the EGR) in the fresh air drawn in can cause the intake area to become blocked. This severely reduces the intake area cross section, which has an equally negative impact on the air-mass flow. Long periods of idle operation (stopping and starting in urban traffic) or long periods with low engine revs may lead to more pronounced oil mist in the engine's intake system Measure +++ Revisions to the last version: Further models and power trains added. Notes on cleaning the intake manifold and for invoicing updated. +++ In the event of a customer complaint, proceed as described below: Perform diagnosis with ISTA. N47N57B37B47B57 Select the ABL in the function selection manually under: 01 Drive – DDE – Air mass system – Sooting of the intake ports If coking of this is detected, perform cleaning of the intake pipe (intake plenum) as well as the intake ports in the cylinder head according to the repair instructions 11 12 800 "Clean cylinder head intake ports and intake plenum M47 and M57: Select the ABL in the function selection manually under: Drive – DDE – Air mass system – Swirl flaps Adopt the ABL in the test plan and perform the functional check. During this, you must carry out a visual inspection to ensure that the swirl flaps close quickly and completely. If the swirl flaps only close slowly or do not close completely, this indicates that there is coking. If no swirl flaps are fitted, possible coking can only be detected by carrying out a visual inspection of the intake manifold. In the event of coking clean the intake pipe (intake plenum) and the inlet ports in the cylinder head in accordance with Repair Instructions 11 12 800 "Clean the cylinder head inlet ports and intake plenum. Attention: A parts replacement of the intake pipe due to contamination is therefore not necessary, nor does it provide a solution. In very rare cases of damage to the intake pipe, part exchange is recommended. In the event of a warranty claim in cases where it is necessary to replace the intake line, up-to-date photos of the line (with the intake ports and damage clearly visible) and the vehicle identification number must be added to the vehicle records and attached to the claim. The special case MINI models R5x and R6x with engine N47C up to production 09/2015: For N47C the above-mentioned causes can lead to a FEW cases of increased entry of oil mist in the intake area and therefore additionally to stiff intake valves. In the case of a customer complaint it is necessary to clean the intake pipe (intake plenum) as well as the intake ports and valves in the cylinder head in accordance with the REP 11 12 800 "Clean cylinder head intake ports and intake plenum (M47, M57, N47, N57)". There is also an exchange of the cylinder head hood to be undertaken (only for MINI models R5x and R6x with engine N47C up to production 09/2015 !) with an altered oil separator (TN11 12 8 589 943). The altered oil separator in the cylinder head hood prevents increased entry of oil into the intake area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Important: The zero-quantity correction values (NMK) of the injectors must be reset as a result. To do this manually select the following ABL: Service function – 01 Drive – DDE – Adjustment function – Injection quantity compensation. Concerning the ABL: -Read off the current quantity comparison values (IMA values) of the injectors, compare and note them -Replace all IMA values of the individual cylinders with the universal IMA –reset code and program: Piezo - injector AAAAA5G solenoid valve - injector AAAAAEA (background: Reset the injector adaptations for all cylinders) -Again program/enter the original IMA values and then allow the vehicle to go to sleep Attention: • The piezo injector is recognisable on the connection for the high pressure line. This is screwed to the head of the injector, see attachment – image 1. • On the solenoid valve injector, the connection for the high-pressure line is screwed at an angle on the side of the injector, see attachment – image 2. Clear the fault memory and re-evaluate the vehicle. Invoicing: Processing and invoicing should take place subject to currently valid warranty terms. Recommended defect code for GWK cases: 11 12 03 76 00 Cylinder head soiled/clogged The flat rate unit numbers and flat rates are saved in the Commercial Service Data (KSD) / AIR systems. Hint: In the event of a warranty claim, the walnut granulate can be billed at the net price under outside service code 04. Validity information Model series:[E84, F60, E83, E88, F21, F20, E87, E46, F23, F22, F25, G02, G01, F26, R61, G05, R60, E91, E90, E93, E92, F30, E53, F32, F31, G11, F34, F33, F36, F35, G12, F39, E60, E61, E64, E63, G20, E66, E65, F45, F01, F46, F02, F49, F48, F07, E71, E70, G31, F54, F10, G30, F12, F56, F11, G32, F55, F57, F13, E39, F16, F15, E38, R56, R55, R58, R57, R59, E82, E81] Engine range:[B47U, M47DO2, B37K, N57, M57X, M57, N57Z, N47S, B47O, N57S, M57/TU, B37A, N57T, N47, M57/T2, B47E, M47, N57X, M57Y, B57O, M47/TU, B57S, B47F, N47T, M47DO1, B47K, N47DK0, B47T, B37, N47C, M47DU1, B37U, B47D, B47B, M47/T2, B57T, B47A, B37B] Body style:[ALL] Fault codes:[4E09, 3FF0, 3FF1, 4AE6, 41AB, 2AB500, 4DFF, 4B26, 4B06, 290B00, 24C500, 24C600, 24C300, 24C400, 4868, 24C100, 24C200, 278F00, 4AF6, 4AD6, 279100, 24CE00, 24CF00, 4B16, 279000, 253400, 4E0E, 4E0F] Production period:-
  4. Er innsuget først av så tar det kanskje 1-2 timer å blåse rent innsugskanaler og ventiler med granulat. Disse er i faresonen til å kokse ned etter BMW PuMA : Validity information Model series:[E84, F60, E83, E88, F21, F20, E87, E46, F23, F22, F25, G02, G01, F26, R61, G05, R60, E91, E90, E93, E92, F30, E53, F32, F31, G11, F34, F33, F36, F35, G12, F39, E60, E61, E64, E63, G20, E66, E65, F45, F01, F46, F02, F49, F48, F07, E71, E70, G31, F54, F10, G30, F12, F56, F11, G32, F55, F57, F13, E39, F16, F15, E38, R56, R55, R58, R57, R59, E82, E81] Engine range:[B47U, M47DO2, B37K, N57, M57X, M57, N57Z, N47S, B47O, N57S, M57/TU, B37A, N57T, N47, M57/T2, B47E, M47, N57X, M57Y, B57O, M47/TU, B57S, B47F, N47T, M47DO1, B47K, N47DK0, B47T, B37, N47C, M47DU1, B37U, B47D, B47B, M47/T2, B57T, B47A, B37B]
  5. Neida, med riktig utstyr blir det helt blankt inni der, men den som gjør jobben blir litt sort... Søk på youtube på bmw walnut blasting
  6. Blåste du ren innsugskanalene i toppen med granulat? Er de for trange så kan det bli fjusk
  7. Det er ingen bevegelse der vår vakuumslangen er koblet fra, det du ser etter er eksos som ev lekker inn . Men som andre sier, sjek ladetrykk- vakuumslanger til turbo, og luftlekkasje fra turbo til innsug. Ellers kan du ta av kontakt til luftmassemåler og kjøre en tur. De har hendt at har blitt defekte med dårlig trekkraft som symptom
  8. Ingen sensor på denne egr ventilen. Og at den har satt seg fast åpen er lite trolig da det er en fjær som lukker den når vakummet ikke er der. Men å sjekke den er enkelt, ta av vakummet til vakuumklokka og slange fra intercooler. Titt inn når motoren går
  9. Jeg vil heller tro at denne bilen har hatt 3, maks 4 oljeskift i sin levetid. Går bilen på BSI så hiver ikke BMW penger ut av vinduet ved å skifte olje før bilen ber om det.
  10. Det kan muligens kvikk fixes ved å trekke ABS sensoren 1mm unna drivakselen. Om sensoren ikke er rustet fast da..
  11. Har du nylig skiftet oljefilter bør du se om "tappen" på det er på plass
  12. Du har jo 6,96 og 21,97 hPa på nederste linje, det høres mer normalt ut
  13. Men jeg tror ikke at du får kjøpt løs sikkring, men hele fordelingsboksen oppe på batteriet må byttes
  14. Jeg anbefaler å sjekke den F502 100A sikringen oppe på batteriet, har hørt at den går når det kortsluttes der du gjorde det
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