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Om Darudevampire

  • Bursdag 03/29/1985

Profile Information

  • Kjønn:
  • Bosted:
    Molde Kommune
  • Kjøretøy
    E46 325CiAM

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122 profilvisninger

Darudevampire's Achievements

  1. Thanks for your answer, thought as much but was hoping I might be wrong. Just have to drive 'the loaner' a bit longer then 😄
  2. Hi everyone, Since it will be an entire year until I will import the Convertible and we have to buy a car here to get around anyway, I was looking for at least a sunroof option to get that 'open' feeling. Looking at all type of cars (even a 2AT 😅), not all of them have a sunroof option and was wondering if any of you know of places (preferably area Molde) to get them retrofitted? In the Netherlands Webasto had multiple dealerships to get a sunroof, but it seems Norway does not. Anyone ever had a sunroof retrofitted of knows where to get it done? I have had some good cars slip my fingers just because they didn't have one 😒
  3. Thanks for the welcome! Not really into facebook though. I have zero (a)social media, but when the bimmer is imported I'll try to see if I can reach that grouppage 👍 @mr.pingu; Ook bedankt :). When did you arrive in Norge?
  4. Love the E39, great model and even better color in Imola. In my hunt for an E46 I also visited some imolared ones. Beautiful color 😍
  5. Love the attention to detail here, replacing the little worn out parts. Makes it look so much nicer
  6. I seem to have missed it, but what are you driving now?
  7. Lovely Z4, must be fun to drive in scenic Norge!
  8. Great cars mate, love the color of the F11! You let your kids eat in the bimmers? I would suffer a heart attack 🤪
  9. Thanks guys. And yes, my hobby cars need to be somewhat of a contrasting color (too many black/grey cars in the world). Believe it or not, the Z4 and E46 actually started out as grey and black; For those interested, here the link to the modification thread of those cars (in Dutch, but the opening posts are picture heavy); E46 316ti Compact E85 2.5iAM Roadster E93 325iAM Cabriolet E46 325CiAM Cabriolet
  10. Thanks, I've used that tool before. Contacted an import/export company in the Netherlands aswell, and told me that customs would have a big say in the total amount to pay (and would be difficult to say beforehand). I'm currently taking 40-50k NOK into account for the entire import process, anything less is a bonus. BMW E46 325 – TAXES NOK 18.594,- + VAT NOK 28.750,-
  11. Thanks for the welcome guys. My previous cars have been fun modifying. I always try to keep it as OEM+ as possible so only enthusiasts can spot the differences. Hmm, sounds interesting. My car is a late 2006 model (last ones of the E46's and M54 ever made), so would be better for me to wait longer to import the car? Don't know if I can wait 2 years driving my baby in the beautiful Norsk scenery 🏔️
  12. Hei! My name is Rudy, 39 years of age and I've just moved to Norway from the Netherlands with my family (wife and 2 children) to the Møre og Romsdal area. Our Norwegian is still a but rusty so forgive my topic in English (I promise to get better over time!). I am not a stranger to BMW and have owned 4 BMW's in the past; E46 316ti Compact (2008-2013) E85 2.5iAM Roadster (2013-2016) E93 325iAM Cabriolet (2016-2021) And the current one is a E46 325CiAM Cabriolet which I am planning to import to Norway in a year (yes I have seen the crazy import fees). I am also an admin on a large BMW forum in the Netherlands. Looking forward to reading your topics and sharing information. Maybe attend an event or two if you would have me.
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