Alpina solgte 300-800 biler i Europa 2000-2017. Så de er ikke i nærheten av å få straffebøter av EU.
Manufacturers responsible for fewer than 1 000 cars or fewer than 1 000 vans newly registered in the EU per year are exempted from meeting a specific emissions target, unless they voluntarily apply for a derogation target.
Manufacturers may apply for a derogation from their specific emission target at the following conditions:
A small-volume manufacturer (responsible for less than 10 000 cars or less than 22 000 vans newly registered per year) can propose its own derogation target, based on the criteria set in the Regulation.
A niche car manufacturer (responsible for between 10 000 and 300 000 cars newly registered per year) can apply for a derogation for the years until 2028 included. Between 2020 and 2024, the derogation target must correspond to a 45% reduction from its average emissions in 2007. In the years 2025 to 2028, the derogation target will be 15% below the 2021 derogation target."